SO I candled the duck eggs last night.....????

Sax is a saxony (I know, original name huh?!) and Meade (the hen) is a Rouen. I had to force her to set after her clutch got to be 19 eggs....and she is easily distracted, so living up to the Rouen crap-broody reputation!
if you have bulls eyes, they are fertile. give them more than 5 days to candle. wait until at least day 7 if not 9 or 10 just to be sure.

when candling take a good whiff of each egg and see if you can narrow it down for the 'funky' egg.
I was trying not to disturb too much...she had them all covered so nicely with down and straw while she was eating... I can smell a "smell" when I get down next to the nest, and she has not pooped on it. I didnt candle EVERY one, I might number them next time I do. But I think it was the abnormally large egg with no visible air cell that was stinking, I will check this weekend to be sure. I am not giving up yet! THanks for the boost in morale, DH will be especially sad if this is a lost cause....he finds the ducks more theraputic than even I do!

WHen I candled last night, I noticed in at least 2 of the eggs a bubble or mass, couldnt be sure, but I thought I saw it twitch. I didnt want to get excited so I dismissed it as my wanting to see something that wasnt there.
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Thanks miss_jayne
THank goodness the 4&5 yr old kiddos dont know shes setting yet, if it sint a success they'd be so sad!

*crossing finners* heres to at least a partial hatch!
I candled on Sunday and there is definite veining in at least 7 of the 19 eggs... I didnt want to dig the bottom ones up to candle them so only did the top few, one looks to be an empty but I will let it go for a few more days. Still cant find the stinky one, but noticed some egg shell at the edge of the nest so am thinking she may have disposed of it? Anyways, little heart beats were jiving in there and the ones I looked at look great, thanks for not letting me give up too early!!!
How did you force her to sit? I have a Rouen that has been laying her eggs for 2 weeks in a nest (normally she'd lay them anywhere), but she won't sit.
I locked her in the pen with seperate food and water and after about 3 days of squawking thru the fence to her boyfriend they gave up on each other and he went back tot he pond and she sat her butt down. It took a few days for her to commit, I had to threaten the stewpot but she got over it.

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