CM being worn out can be expected. Nothing wrong with a little pity party now and then, especially for a tough-butt woman that tries to do it all. (I don't know about you, but that is a luxury that I fight so hard against, but probably should allow it to happen more often.) This might be too simple of a thought, BUT, have you tried increasing your vitamin D? It helps me during the winter months, and really gives me much needed energy. The only thing I have found annoying is that it can make me a little hyper. (Well, actually that's an improvement over wanting to sleep every afternoon.)
Vert !! So nice to see you pop in
Thanks for askin'! It looks like I'm not quite done gettin' tests. The bone scan showed metastatic lesions. Not what we were hoping for.
The hospital sent a report up to SCCA so I will wait to see what they say.
But I know that my GOD is still in control. If I love and serve Him in the good times... then I can do nothing less than that in the harder times.
I'm not afraid for me... but I wish I did not have to put my DH and kids through this.
Again... thanks for all the prayers and concern!
Thanks for askin'! It looks like I'm not quite done gettin' tests. The bone scan showed metastatic lesions. Not what we were hoping for.
The hospital sent a report up to SCCA so I will wait to see what they say.
But I know that my GOD is still in control. If I love and serve Him in the good times... then I can do nothing less than that in the harder times.
I'm not afraid for me... but I wish I did not have to put my DH and kids through this.
Again... thanks for all the prayers and concern!

I imagine that is the worst part. I know this is a rather un-Mom-ish trait, But get selfish. Do not worry for them, do not anguish FIGHT. Best thing you can do is let them help. They want to feel like there is something that they can do to help you win this. let them, And be grateful. (not embarrassed or guilty. No guilt. none.

I'll send super death ray prayers of annihilation to those lesions. And the regular broad spectrum prayers for comfort and healing and everything else in general.
Thanks for askin'! It looks like I'm not quite done gettin' tests. The bone scan showed metastatic lesions. Not what we were hoping for.
The hospital sent a report up to SCCA so I will wait to see what they say.
But I know that my GOD is still in control. If I love and serve Him in the good times... then I can do nothing less than that in the harder times.
I'm not afraid for me... but I wish I did not have to put my DH and kids through this.
Again... thanks for all the prayers and concern!

I imagine that is the worst part. I know this is a rather un-Mom-ish trait, But get selfish. Do not worry for them, do not anguish FIGHT. Best thing you can do is let them help. They want to feel like there is something that they can do to help you win this. let them, And be grateful. (not embarrassed or guilty. No guilt. none.

I'll send super death ray prayers of annihilation to those lesions. And the regular broad spectrum prayers for comfort and healing and everything else in general.

Thank you!!!
Well, I can see we is a problem here...... CM!!!! get your buns back here. Don't make me leave the snow and drizzle in Maine and drive to where it is warm, just to get you back on the computer.

I'm concerned.

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