Oh Ginny - I'm so soooo sorry. ~16.....I gather she was having elder issues......
...and I'm sure you did all you could. I'm so very sorry......

I'm so sorry it was her time to leave you. They never live long enough, but that is the plan...or so I am told, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. Someone told me when I lost my last doggie buddy that I had filled him with so much of my love that there wasn't any more room for more. I was to remember that when the next furry critter came into my life, that I had that same job to do again. I am sure your, Penelope was filled with love too and she will only remember that love and caring on her journey today. Hugs of compassion from me to you.

Lost my Springer Sadie Bug last summer. They take a piece of your heart with them don't they. I'm sorry!
My Ebbie girl is is starting to slow way down. Not looking forward to that day.
Oh Luna, I'm so sorry! Don't be afraid to cry, because everyone knows she was more than a "pet". I've grown to hate that word. PET is what you do when you stroke the soft head of your FURBABY. You know how I nearly what little bit of sanity I have when I lost my beloved Spook. She waits for your at Rainbow Bridge.

Deerman, glad things weren't as bad as we know they can be. Rashes can be so danged irritating. If you are itchy, try a cool bath with some cornstarch in the water. It's one of the things that helped me with poison ivy.

I see where little Miss Heaven has got her port put in today and that her numbers are way up! She's able to get her next round of chemo on Monday like we were praying for. Kid has a great attitude and pizza roll addicition! Feed the body, mind, and soul, right? I think Heaven is getting all 3 with the pizza rolls!

Lost my Springer Sadie Bug last summer. They take a piece of your heart with them don't they. I'm sorry!
My Ebbie girl is is starting to slow way down. Not looking forward to that day.

I lost my 18yr old cat on Sept 30th. Her sister and my beloved dog Spook a month a part in 2010. I still cry for them. My babies.

I have a Katie-bug now.
Oh Luna! I am so sorry that you lost your sweet Penelope!

I am also sorry to hear about your forest mis-adventure that lead to your illness! You don't need this!!

Praying for healthier, happier days for you!

Hope it's like the Quilting Board it's not much different than this set up. This is the only thread over here I hang out on these days.

I've got the Plague. No not that one, stomach virus that seems to be going around. Ended up in the hospital for a couple hours for dehydration and all that fun stuff. Even the Marinol has no effect on this thing. Stomach muscles are sore from heaving. Sipping lots of water now. Doc says that I'll be lucky if this only last 3 days or so. LUCKY??!!

Sounds like Miss Heaven is doing well. REMISSION!! I'm thinking this means that the chemo has killed it and it's no longer producing cells. The remaining treatments are to make sure it's gone through out her body where ever it's lurking. Brave kid!
I hope you are feeling better soon CM.

I am going to try each day for as long as I can tolerate it, but if it takes me five minutes to find my threads and 34 seconds for each one to load...
I might not be wishing you all well as often on this site. But be sure that I AM wishing you well even when I am not on this site. You are family to me.

If Things get faster, and my computer doesn't die of shock, or what ever the problem seems to be, I will be back. Can't get rid of me this easily. :)
Oh dear...feel better soon!!!

Like Jan above, I'm having troubles with very slow access on the new site, so can't pop in for a quick moment like I had been able to (and I can't see smileys anymore (they're just red x's)).....but hopefully it'll get ironed out.
In the meantime, be well all.....


I've got the Plague.

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