Hey CM! So good to hear you're doing better. How's that Marinol??

The Monday after Christmas was mild out, 53* and cloudy so I went hiking in the woods with my sis. We hiked and hiked and it started to rain, we were deep into the woods and thought it might get worse so we decided to head back. Well it did get worse and windy. I had layers on but nothing waterproof
a scarf around my neck but no hat.

Needless to say I got soaked to the bones. We couldn't get out the way we came in cause rain flooded the path and the woods were thick on either side. We got a little lost. When we finally heard traffic in the distance we aimed for that and found the main road and walked back to the parking lot where my car was.

I got real sick after that. Just getting over it now. That's what I've been up to.
I know what you mean! I don't think there was a part of my body that hadn't had some kind of radioactive something put into when I was first diagnosed. Second time was even more. I been meaning to tell you, when I had the first PET I had picked up some arthritis I have in my neck and lower back. It's a very good possiblity that's all it is.

Deerman!! How you doing bud?!

Doc has given me the Marinol. I've already deleted a couple doses of the Gabapentin, decreased the Oxi!! and TOTALLY off one antipsychotic!
ok, it was effexor which I first started taking for hot flashes after my hysto years ago, but so far so good no flashes.

What's everyone else up to?

The dr is leaning toward arthritis on the bone scan but wants to confirm with a PET. Never thought I'd be prayin for arthritis!
Luna, you had a close call! I'm so glad you are doing better! I am down with severe bronchitis and have been for days now. Doctor said if I had delayed any longer I would have had to be admitted! I still feel terrible but lots better than I was.
got back from doc yesterday......looks like i will be able to take the Erbitux every other week....side effect RASH looks like acne....but she said that was good i had the rash, because those that get the rash ,are the ones getting the best results.......will see how well it works in March when she runs a test. still taking the chemo pills and infusion.

when and got my first tattoo new year eve. in memory of my late son. a cross made with guns his name on a bander.

soon as it get warm ...skydiving
That's good to hear...
CM, everyone...

Ginny! Sorry you got sick after your Christmas adventure. So glad you're coming out from under it. Some really nasty germs in NJ right many people sick, my dear parents among them. A bug found me too - totally leveled for a day last Thursday and have dragged myself around since, to do what needs to be done, e.g. work, but as soon as I get back at night I have to lie down for about 12 hours! Missed being able to enjoy those gorgeous 50+ degree days around New Years. It's slowly letting go of its hold on me though. Today and tomorrow we luck out with temps in the 50's again, welcome after that Artic freeze on Tuesday and Wednesday!. Hope to catch some of it tomorrow, Saturday. I think how my little Ellie will hopefully enjoy basking in it.... Be well, and I have done that woods thing too - disconcerting to get turned around, especially in bad weather or when it's getting dark!


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