you got it. Mary has good friends, that is the best start.
How are you doing. Cindi?
Hope you are busy putting out all the Snoopy Christmas stuff and feeling great!

I'm doing pretty good. Some tummy issues after this last treatment, but other than that, not bad.

Oh yeah, Snoopy is everywhere waiting for Santa!!

That's just the Outside!!

There's alway's an oddball in the bunch

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Here's a sad story... My friends husband died a couple months ago... She has two sons. Then she figured out a week later that she had breast cancer and had to Get both taken out
pray for her please

Breast Cancer isn't a death sentence, no cancer is. Please don't mind me if I come across as *itchy, but I believe that attitude is the key to kicking cancer's A*S*S*!! Knowledge is power. Your friend needs to learn EVERYTHING about her type of cancer. There are many types of breast cancer, each needing a specific treatment. Have her become a member just to come here and talk with us. I've been going at this for 4 years now, giving up is not part of who I am.

Prayers for you friend.
Ok, wake up and report guys. I was patient but now you gotta give a shout out so we know your ok.

I ran across something that I thought was pretty cute and pretty useful. Wish I had seen these when my niece and SIL had their breasts removed. I was considering just making up a bunch to pass out even. I don't know. I got an idea forming but its not their yet. Anywho thought you guys might like these.

I know its a link to a site but its a harmless one I think so hopefully I can get away with it.

Will be looking for who check in and still praying for all of you.
Yup, I'm still here and kicking! Recovering from the holidays and chemo. 3 doses down 19 more to go!! I'm good. I sleep a lot. Having stomach issues, they think I've developed an ulcer. I'm eating!!! but not a great deal. More the 2nd & 3rd weeks after a treatment, but still with tummy bloat and pain. Nothing showed on the CT, probably doing a GI series of tests to check on things.

Good news....................................................the PET I had is showing a reduction in size of the tumors!!! Thought my Onc was going to twist my arm off looking for the lymph node that was the hardness and size of a golf ball in my arm pit. GONE!! We'll do another PET scan in a couple months to see how things are going.

Heather--I have one of those pillows. It's not heart shaped like that one, has a flat bottom. You wouldn't believe how much that pillow helped!! My chest hurt from the masectomy, but where they took the lymph nodes for testing was horrible!!! I hugged my pillow tight---it was either that or hold my breath while trying to walk. I still use it. It's just the right size for a recliner pillow or just that right spot when napping on the couch or that uncomfortable chair for chemo. If I go on vacation or into the hospital, my little pillow goes with me! The cancer center at the hospital has volunteers that make them.

My lawyer went to court on the 2nd. The case was thrown out because the lawyers for WellsFargo weren't prepared. It was like they didn't expect him to show up. We didn't because of something he wanted to acheive and couldn't do that if we got sworn in. The case looks really good in our favor. There will be an update from the news crew with the info soon.

In the meantime, here is the Update they did on us decorating the house.

Now where is everybodyelse? Luna? I saw Sara pop up on FaceBook. JJ? 333333333333333333333333333333333333!!! I've got to show you and Luna how to use FB!

Getting late, g'night ya'll

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