I love it that you kissed a leaf! There's something about growing things........just love it. At least you have the warmer weather to do the growing, I have to wait til May to plant things outside, but winter I have a houseful of plants - I actually have to duck under some of them to get to the door.

I hope things pick up for your business, you're probably not alone in that situation, unfortunately.

The didgeridoo just kinda happened, it goes well with the tribal drums and such. I bought a bamboo one online (cheap) The "real' ones are made in Australia from old eucalyptus tree roots. Bet you knew that already! I also have shakers and tambourines, a thumb piano, bells and a recorder. I bring a whole bag of stuff with me when I go to the drum circles.

Hey what kind of plants do you grow in your business??
Hibiscus. Right now they are blooming like crazy. We sell rooted cuttings, so them having a chance to get big enough to bloom means that I am getting very behind. But the propagation house is almost full and the finishing house is starting to have plants to sell in it... all I need is customers. But you can not sell what you do not have.
I think there are some photos on my 'BYCpage' I just do not know how to get to it anymore. Posting pictures is beyond my mental capabilities now. or my computer's abilities. I never seem to have the proper format or something.
Did you know you were musical before you started all of this or did it come out when encouraged?
Hey ya'll, I need to make this short, it's 4 in the morning and I'm tired.

Had my PET scan on Monday on Tuesday I told my doc that if he didn't give me the results before he went on vacation, I would blow up his cell phone while he was away. Less than 5minutes.later I have my answers.

I am in REMISSION!!!!
None of the existing tumors show any of the glowing that would mean they were alive and growing.

Will let you know more when I see the doc
<--me doing happy dance!

Hey ya'll, I need to make this short, it's 4 in the morning and I'm tired.

Had my PET scan on Monday on Tuesday I told my doc that if he didn't give me the results before he went on vacation, I would blow up his cell phone while he was away. Less than 5minutes.later I have my answers.

I am in REMISSION!!!!
None of the existing tumors show any of the glowing that would mean they were alive and growing.

Will let you know more when I see the doc

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