So, would you be offended, POed or what?

Nah..i'm SO not buying it..
Honestly..i dont think that hes going to be cheating on you while away...
BUT, what bothers his TOTAL lack of respect for you and your wishes...
you SAID you wanted to go with him... you said you had a sitter and everything.... yet he kept lying to you ..making excuses why you could not go with him...
That bothers me very much... as it SHOULD bother you. You know in your gut that its not right...
If my husband disrespected me and didnt take me when i wanted to go... there would be BIG problems ..
I come FIRST in my marriage..or i dont come at all... period.
And i give him the same respect... would bother me VERY much that my spouse/partner felt he needed to "get away" from me to have a good time...
My husband is my best friend ..and if he wants to drink and fart and be an idiot with is buddies... he can act the same way with me.... we BOTH can have fun together with his buddies... and thats how it should be... i wont settle for less.
Again..just MY opinion.
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my thoughts as well
i just went through the same with my ex
constant lying even about the stupidest things
when he found a lie that stuck then he hit gold until one day he decided to hang out with the "guys" in another state that happened to be another woman and came home the next morning and had to take a shower as soon as he walked in the door and then go straight to sleep
well i went out to his truck and there was a map to penn state and a text message on his phone saying i miss you and enjoyed last night
busted he was

As the wife of an extremely inconsiderate and disprectful (but loving) arse here is my two cents. You really do have options here and I, now I am saying I, would either go with him and just shut up about it and have a good time and let him do his thing while you are there OR I would plan the weekend just for me (ie spa day, night out with girls, lunch with a friend you haven't seen in a while, shoot you could even have a little wing ding at your house). Either way just enjoy yourself and stop stressing. Life is too short and if he is up to no good karma will get him.

I live near Penn State! I'm sorry to hear that, why do people cheat?!

Anyways, as for the whole thing, I was PO'd last night, obviously. I asked him straight up and he basically said that he just didn't want me to go, he wanted his free-time, yada yada. We went to sleep, now come 6am, he wakes me up to tell me to get ready to go to the party...
If worst comes to worse, I'll hang out with Paul or Dave, who're friends with my mother.

I live near Penn State! I'm sorry to hear that, why do people cheat?!

Anyways, as for the whole thing, I was PO'd last night, obviously. I asked him straight up and he basically said that he just didn't want me to go, he wanted his free-time, yada yada. We went to sleep, now come 6am, he wakes me up to tell me to get ready to go to the party...
If worst comes to worse, I'll hang out with Paul or Dave, who're friends with my mother.


But now do you feel like the female wheel?
I hate that feeling. When you pull up all the guys are like uhhh! Female... but are nice to your face
No way would I go, you are only being invited because you guilted him, I wouldnt want to be there if that was the case, if he REALLY wanted you there, you would of been the first person he invited.
MomtoSyd&Emma :

No way would I go, you are only being invited because you guilted him, I wouldnt want to be there if that was the case, if he REALLY wanted you there, you would of been the first person he invited.


Now go plan something fun to do!!!​
I can understand your feelings and maybe he did go about it all wrong. He should have been honest right up front.
I don't understand how some of the people on this thread make it seem bad if someone wants some time to themselves. DH and I have been married for 15 years and have three kids, we love each other very much, and if he said he wanted some time to hang with his friends without me and the kids, I would say sure....just remember if I say the same thing next week don't get mad.

Now go out and have some fun yourself.

No matter how much someone loves their family, sometimes people just want to do their own thing and as far as I am concerned there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

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