Soap Makers Fall Swap (BOXES SENT!!!!!)

JUST got my box!!

BEAUTIFUL soaps everyone! Sorry about the pumpkin flakes mucking up the labels!!
Amber...I jumped in the shower with EARTH Child right away...I smelled patchouli and orange...right??

I cannot wait to try the rest!
Woohoo! Hope everyone else gets theirs today too.

I used the earth child blend on rainbow meadows site. It's Lemon, Orange (I used 5 fold sweet), Lavender and patch. Let me know what you think of the bar when you get a chance.
I don't know, Cheeptrick must have some good mojo because you would think Tennesse and alabama would get there before New England from Texas.

I think I forgot to send a note to everyone, but the cotton ball looking thing in the baggie is silk for everyone to try. It should be enough for about 40-50 pounds of soap. A little goes a long way.
Should of checked the mail before I posted. The package came.
It's like an early Christmas! I see I'm the only one that didn't put their soap in plastic baggies. Sorry.

Should I wait till everyone gets their package before I start posting reviews?


ETA: Thanks for the silk! I could not figure what it was.
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Ok...I just washed my hands 7x's

I'm going to rate them using the hardness, cleansing, conditioning, bubbly, creaminess scale on soap calc. 10 being the most 1 being the least AND what my favorite thing about each bar.

CW- Hard-10, Cleansing-10, Conditioning-10, Bubbly-9, Creaminess-7 YOUR scent reminded me of my grandmother's perfume (thanks for those good memories grandmama) and your swirl was lovely! (-: EDITED TO ADD I loved the seeds also!!

Blue Swirled Goatsmilk Bar- Hard-11, Cleansing-10, Bubbly-8, Creaminess-7 THAT was an awesome swirl and I loved that you had NO soda ash at all!

TM Chickens- Hard-8, Cleansing-10, Conditioning-10, Bubbly-10, Creaminess-8 When the water hit your scent it multiplied x100!! VERY nice bar! I prefer my soap softer!!!!

NanaKat- Hard-10, Cleansing-10, Conditioning-10, Bubbly-8, Creaminess-7 Your lard bar was my favorite!! You really used so many oils and that is my favorite are a soaper who LIKES to experiment. LOVED the sea algae also!

Morgaine- Hard-10, Cleansing-10, Conditioning-10, Bubbly-10, Creaminess-8 I smelled like an OLD Hippie all day yesterday! Your scent was very strong and lasted very well...and YOUR BAR was simply PERFECT! OH and I liked seeing the size of the 4x6 muslin bag...I've never ordered them so I think I'm going to order them now! I cannot WAIT to use the silk!! Thank you!!!!!!! DH gave you all 10's!! (-:

Badhbh- Hard-10, Cleansing-10, Conditioning-10, Bubbly-10, Creaminess-10. My first thought was this is a hot process I right? IT WAS THE MOST CREAMY LATHER OF ALL THE SOAPS. YAY for meat soap!

Ameteuss...Hard-10, Cleansing-10, Bubbly-10, Creaminess-8 AND I loved the soap pocket...WAY nice...going to steal that idea YES I am!!

NOW for MINE....
Cheeptrick- Hard-8, Cleansing-5, Conditioning-5, Bubbly-7, Creaminess-5 This soap was NOT gelled...I tricked you all!! HAHAHA Also...superfatted it at 35 % to show you it can BE done...which takes away the cleansing properties. I personally hated this bar...the scent was weak, the pumpkin flakes UMMM just gross, THE only part of this bar I like was the carrot juice layer. So there...I gave myself the worst review.

THIS WAS SUPER FUN!! Thank you all who participated.
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I got my soap yesterday!!!! Everyone did such a wonderful job

I have not used them all yet and I have to admit that I used your Dragon's Blood soap first Amber
I can't help it, I absoloutly LOVE that scent

I don't know wich bar to use next. I thing I'll have to use cheeptrick's way of doing it. Other wise it will take me forever to get through them all. And I can't wait to use all the goodies that came in the box. Thanks for the silk Amber. I am going to use it with this next batch of soap that I do. I have to make more of my better selling ones. The next one is a peppermint and vanilla EO combination. The lotion is divine and I love the that I now have have a jar of the black salve. I have been wanting to make some but I haven't been able to order anything for a while. This will give me a good chance to see if I want to attempt making it. I love all the scents and looks of everyones soaps. And the meat soap smells great and I think it looks great as well. I will definitly have to start washing even more then I do now lol. I love soap

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