

Feb 28, 2021
My two-day-old chick, Dove, is already doing well with socialization. But I'd like to know more strategic ways to socialize her. She has no other chicks with her right now, and I don't want her to turn out like Marshy, who was raised alone and turned out crazy. I think socialization will stop her from being- well, being like crazy ol' Marshy.
Can you possibly get more chicks near her age?

If not - and I assume you have an adult flock - can you brood her outside with the adults, so she at least has some socialization that way?
Once she's a little older, I think that I'll get her to the older chickens and do some mesh interaction.
And yes, I can get some more chicks her age. I'm working on that.
Just got two chicks to keep Dove company- Sandstorm and unnamed! (If you have any name suggestions for a black chick with tiny little talons, tell me, please!)

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