Socially awkward chicken


6 Years
Mar 30, 2018
One of my buff orps has always been odd, but she is getting even more so now.

She was the last to start laying, at 30 weeks. Before she started, she had this obsession with staring down the others while they were in the nesting box. She followed them up and paced back and forth in front of them while they sat. Once she started laying, she would climb in the box with the others, and lay her egg on top of them. She is the lowest in the pecking order, so this didn't go over well.

She does other odd things, like walks up to the other chickens and walks into them, then starts squawking like they hurt her. I know she doesn't have vision or balance problems because she can spot a bug 20 feet away and race to grab it in one swoop.

She was recently sick, and has stopped laying. She is well now, but her newest trick is to follow the other chickens up to the nesting box, wait until they get in, then sing the egg song continuously until they leave the box. I wouldn't have thought a chicken could look annoyed, but some of the looks the others are giving her are hilarious! :gig

When one of the others sings the egg song, she makes this awful noise, like a goose honking. :lau It is like the kid who thinks negative attention is better than none, so she is trying to annoy everyone.
Some do have that special personality that sets them apart from the rest. Those are always the most memorable chickens.

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