Solve my Mystery?????

Puddin Fluff

10 Years
Mar 30, 2012
River Valley, AR
We found this tiny egg in our nest box today but have no idea from whence it came!

We have 10 sex-link hens laying regularly for about a year large/exlarge brown eggs.
We have 3 Salmon Favorelle pullets, 1 Araucana pullet, and 1 Mottled Houdan pullet all at almost 19 weeks.

I am expecting small, new eggs but not this brown.

We have had the flock on antibiotics recently for a "chicken cold" and had some drop in production from the sex-links. Could this be a result? It doesn't show in the pic too well but it is darker than our girls usually lay.

Any ideas? We are puzzled.
I had one pretty much exactly like that a few days sexlinks have been laying regularly since May so I was really surprised...the 6 SL's are all I have and when I got 4 of them like the one on the right and 1 like the one on the left, I counted 4 and a half eggs for the day, LOL. Biology not being perfect, I chalked it up to a "little" whoopsie :)
Our girls had their "off" days the first few months but they have been laying for a year with regular large eggs so this is really strange and none of our pullets (who haven't layed yet) are supposed to lay brown eggs so
I got quite a few like that while my flock was molting last fall. I'm not sure if there is a connection to molting and tiny eggs, but, in my flock, that is the only time I've ever gotten eggs that small. They were darker than normal too.

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