Some Chicken Pictures


12 Years
Mar 27, 2007
Memphis, TN
Just wanted to show you guys some pictures of my old chickens. I took these about eight or nine years ago.

Here are the babies on day one. Lots of various breeds from McMurray.


My dog Julio, chickens Toby, Mercury, and Sweetie.


My favorite girl, Plata, a Silver Gray Dorking.


My mean roo, Graffiti


Sweetie, the best chicken ever!


Hope you enjoyed.
What pretty babies...

what was special about sweetie, what made her the best chicken ever? because I'm almost sure my Lulu had that honor.

Sweetie was the original chicken. Her "sister" Peeps turned out to be a rooster, and had to find a new home. She was an only chicken for about a year after that, and the yard was HER YARD. We got a puppy when she was about a year and a half old (Julio, pictured above). She raised him. He was her pet. He followed her around and they ate birdseed together. When he got a treat, she'd take it away. When we got the new batch of babies from McMurray, she taught them all the ways of the yard. She was number one in the pecking order until the day she died. I sure to miss her.

Sweetie was the original chicken. Her "sister" Peeps turned out to be a rooster, and had to find a new home. She was an only chicken for about a year after that, and the yard was HER YARD. We got a puppy when she was about a year and a half old (Julio, pictured above). She raised him. He was her pet. He followed her around and they ate birdseed together. When he got a treat, she'd take it away. When we got the new batch of babies from McMurray, she taught them all the ways of the yard. She was number one in the pecking order until the day she died. I sure to miss her.

She's beautiful.... sounds a lot like lulu..... she thought she was a parrot and insisted on riding on ym shoulder, even if I had to stop every few feet so she could rebalance...

and she once ate one of our easter eggs.

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