some think that gun laws are unconstitutional

Some say "Guns do not kill people...people kill people" this is true but a firearm in the hands of an individual who does not know how to use it properly is the most dangerous thing in the world.

I believe in the handgun safety course, I believe in licensing and I believe in the right to conceal and carry (with permit to do so).

I see it as my constitutional right to bear arms but I see it as my obligation to do so carefully and properly.
I feel that I have the right to own as many guns as I want, as many different types as I want, and it's NOBODY'S business....especially the governments.

I do not want to be required by law to have a concealed weapon permit---then the gov't knows I have a gun.

I'm not a criminal, I've injured/murdered no one.....yet those in our society who have, usually own the guns.

I did not grow up with guns; it was much later in my life when I learned to use, load, clean, shoot guns---and I'm glad I did.

Don't tread on my constitutional rights to bear arms....
It really depends on the gun. As long as you have something resembling a vague idea of how a firearm works, your only real danger is overpenetration, and that's only in certain cases. Unless a loved one is BEHIND the guy you're planning to shoot, you've got few worries. Except missing.
Not a problem, though, if you have a shotgun and a little distance. Oh, and if you (God forbid) have to shoot an intruder, make sure the judge only gets to hear your side of the story. If the intruder survives, you WILL be sued.
Best thing my parents every did for me is to enroll me in a summer camp run by the department of fish and wildlife. We got such a good education on firearms at that camp and at the presentation they gave at our school for all the students. ( many years ago)

I still remember something the teacher said. " Never point a gun at anything you do not intend to shoot." He tried to explain it but of course non of us understood all that entailed at the time. Now I know if I will not use the gun to defend myself I should never pull it. I have to point it with every intention of using. Something could happen to change that but I gotta be ready. Also you don't point guns in play. That part we all understood but there was enough lesson in that statement to last me a lifetime. It was a good lesson to teach.

I think gun safety should be a part of every school education. How many kids who are not even close to ready to take these kinds of classes get killed or kill with a forgotten gun that is laying around. Gun safety classes should be mandatory. Actually owning one should be a personal choice and a right that the government has no control over or record of. I don't like really anyone being nosy with my business.
I am all for any citizen who wants one, to own an automatic weapon. The only qualifier.... A safety test before you purchase it..... I am not real big on registering firearms in general, but perhaps if every household had an M60 registered to it it wouldn't be such a bad idea... Hm......

Q9, I do totally agree about the 2nd amendment. It is there for the PEOPLE to OVERTHROW the government if it becomes a dictatorship or a tyranny. Now, there is a fine line between patriots and terrorists/committing treason.

If we had lost the war of independence from england, 56 men who signed the declaration of independence would have been tried, sentenced and hung for treason and sedition.
To someones correction guns have only killed a few people that has been beaten with them but the bullets has in fact killed millions. I for one are for guns and people owning guns if you know how to act with them with that being said some people dont need a gun because they are either stupid or ill tempered. I think some people need the gun handling class and i think it should be longer than the 8hrs required in this state, I think you should be able to test in front of a judge to get your cc permit and let that be the final say so.
M60 jams too much.
Still, that's not a bad idea. Imagine this conversation:

"Mr. President, the vast majority of the American people feel that this (insert bill here) is a massive violation of the Constitution."

*Fictional president* "Who cares what they think?"

"Oh, and most of the population owns an automatic military weapon."

M60 jams too much.
Still, that's not a bad idea. Imagine this conversation:

"Mr. President, the vast majority of the American people feel that this (insert bill here) is a massive violation of the Constitution."

*Fictional president* "Who cares what they think?"

"Oh, and most of the population owns an automatic military weapon."


Really an M-60 jams to much? have you spent alot of time firing one? or ever fired one? Just a quick test withou tyou going to look it up, how would you replace the barrel after you fired a couple hundred rounds? How many pins hold the butt stock in place? And how many positions are in the bi pod? My M-60 didn't have jamming issues at all. ic you are online now and it's 7:58 PM if you have to go look it up your answer will take awhile - if you know an m60 should only take a sec.
PM sent as well

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Gun laws would be great if criminals followed laws. But you are right, some think gun laws are unconstitutional. I am pro-gun ownership for emotionally stable, legal citizens. But the constitution isn't all that clear.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

"....a well regulated millitia". After all regulations are laws. I've met members of "unorganized millitias" before, but never a member of a well regulated millitia. Then it says "... to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

On could interpret that the regulations have to do with firearm owners being responsible for condition, safety, storage and uses of said firearms. I'd back that up.

I think Ed Abbey said it pretty well for me: (something like) "The only thing stupider then not carrying a firearm in the desert, is carrying one in plain sight."

I think that worrying about the fed coming to take your guns is more gray hairs for no reason. If you are planning on trying to overthrow the government then you should probably worry. If you are a law abiding citizen and just like guns. Hey that's cool. Guns are cool. Grouping 3 shots from150 meters inside a quarter is fun. I imagine hunters enjoy taking out animals and finally they give you some extra security.

With all the be afraid be very afraid anti government rhetoric that is floating around I can understand why people worry. I don't believe the rhetoric so I don't worry. I can understand if you do though and you never know. Someday we might have a POTUS and a Congress that will actually have the power and the desire to try to collect all the guns from citizens. I would put the odds at about a billion to 1, but if they know where every gun is located it would make the job easier for them if that unlikely event ever happened.

Gun safety courses are good. There's a lot of idiots out there and guns are real easy to buy at shows and from private individuals. All the states I've lived in only require a background check for handguns. Seems like wasted effort since you can turn around and sell the same gun to anybody. In addition if you want to kill some people a shotgun would make bigger holes and can be purchased the same day at Wall Mart. Concealed carry isn't really a big issue. If someone intends to use their weapon in a harmful matter, they don't care whether or not it's legal to conceal it. I do think they should have a safety course similar to what a cop has. Don't need some guy pulling his 357 out and blasting away at bad guys while people are in the line of fire if he misses. On the other hand some guy with a CC may save my life some day. Obviously the odds of either are pretty slim.

Don't see the need for a fully automatic weapon for anyone to carry around. I guess an M60 on opposite corners of your house with clear overlapping fields of fire could be useful if the gov completely collapses and there are gangs running around killing people. Or some other kind of Mad max scenario. M16's on full auto are about useless. When I was in the Army we had single shot or full auto mode. The single shot was very accurate. Full auto was good for 2 shots. After that you were shooting at birds. Of course we all loved to rock n roll. At least till it came time to clean and pass inspection with the armorer.

The right to bear arms is and always will be up in the air. The little line about for the purpose of maintaining a militia kind of throws a bit of a wrench in there. Like many parts of the Constitution it is open to interpretation. I believe it does provide us the right. However I can see it being interpreted the other way too. Of course I would lie to see anyone try to take guns away from 80 million Americans. Most people that own a gun have more than one.

I don't own any guns at this time. I don't hunt and we live on 8 acre lots here. So shooting critters from a distance could hurt someone if you missed and the bullet went through the neighbors house that is 300 yards away. I am thinking about a small shotgun though. It could be used for home protection and could kill a fox or skunk from 50 feet or so. Not a big priority though. Maybe I'll wait till they change parties in the WH. Seems to directly affect the price of ammo.

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