Someone killed my silkie chick.


7 Years
Apr 11, 2014
De Leon, Texas
I woke up this morning to go to school(30 minutes away) and I had counted all my silkies, barred rocks, and cornish in the cage they *were* in when I fed and watered them. I come back a few hours later from college and I go outside to give them some more water, and only counted 3 silkies. I asked my mom about it, she didn't know anything, and when I looked around for a bit, I found it laying in my flower bed dead. No struggling, no feather fluffs, no blood, and when I picked it up, I felt the neck and it had actually been wrung. Now I know that it was too big to fit through the cage, it wasn't pulled through cuz there would have been blood, and my cats or dog didn't eat it(obviously). Has anyone else ever had this problem? I feel distraught and confused, like what is the point of choking my poultry and leaving it in my flower bed? I'm wondering if its kids, but who knows at this point.
Yup. It sure does. I'm just hoping they don't harm any of my other animals, well I mean just the cats and my dog. I am just confused of what good is it to do this? Its like they don't have a life or something. I would report it to the police but I really don't have any other evidence other than a dead chicken.
Lock and a game camera.
x2. im scared to death because this kid lives up the road who i DISPISE. and he knows it. whenever i am outside with him ( when i liked him and went in because he was being a d*** ) i would come back out once i heard the gate close and make sure he closed it, i would check my rabbit hutch to make sure he didnt porpously leave something open, and check my hens. He has chickens though and hasnt been around much. ( thankfully ) Adress the parents when u get the game cam and see if it WAS them.
It sounds to me that you do not only need to lock your keep but keep an eye out for anyone
Do you have anyone around your street or doesn't like you or you've had someone who you've had a fight with?

I wish you the best:cd
It sounds to me that you do not only need to lock your keep but keep an eye out for anyone
Do you have anyone around your street or doesn't like you or you've had someone who you've had a fight with?

I wish you the best:cd
As far as I know I don't have any enemies; I'm really more of a hermit than anything else. And its not like I'm crazy and scare people or anything, so all I can think of is maybe some kids thought it would be funny to play with the poor thing and then maybe "accidentally" kill it. There are some up one house from me that likes to tease me dog when they ride their bikes on the side street, and they also tore down the american flag on Veteran's Day that my mom put up. But so far I haven't had any other loss so maybe they just got scared or something.
You may not be far off with a human being the predator. My neighbors children like to come over my house and pick up anything I have around the yard and throw it at the chickens when they are free ranging.
You may not be far off with a human being the predator. My neighbors children like to come over my house and pick up anything I have around the yard and throw it at the chickens when they are free ranging.
Wow talking about no respect for animals! Have you talked to their parents about it?

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