Someone save me

I would avoid spraying water when OP is in Canada in the middle of winter. Crating the offending hen for a couple days should work. It did for mine - though it took 4 days. If you let her out and she goes right to bullying, put her back. Mine went right back to the top of order but she isn't vicious anymore. Just normal head hen.
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Just as a note of hope, I've had a hen recover from a similar if not worse injury, in the same area. She recovered fully and even regrew the feathers. She was however never able to return to the flock and lives now in the old lady run with another flock reject that I removed before the same could occur (learning!). I'm under the impression that wounds like this are killing injuries, as in the hen who did it was trying to kill her.
This week has not been my week. It started off with a fire in our tack shed leading to much damage. Then all of my leghorn chicks passed of a still undiscovered cause. Then today one of my rosecombs tore up another’s back to the point of no return, then my only leghorn male. Who is imported and very very exspensive is now on deaths doorstep with a incredibly bad case of mites. I need something. Something to stop my chicks from dying, something to knock mean hens down a notch and a cure for chest and hackle mights. If anyone has any knowledge on how to fix anything please let me know. I’m desperate.
I’m so so very sorry! That is so sad!
@BigBlueHen53 why can’t you use pain relieving medication? :O
I could be wrong, but I've always heard that it is toxic to chickens. I also think it may be because if a chicken is in some pain she will limit her activities and heal faster. Let me ask one of my go-to authorities: @Eggcessive, can you help me out here, please?

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