someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

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Doesn't sound even a little bit reasonable to me.
Exactly. Their yard, their property. I think all the responsibility falls on the parents to keep the "clouds of smoke" from filling their house, not the neighbor who is using his or her yard as they are allowed to by law.
I'm not sure that even having AC would help. I can smell cigarette smoke inside my house from my neighbors smoking and they are probably 200 feet away. They do smoke outside as they have a baby living with them. I have had the AC on since June. The smoke in my house is probably not at a harmful level but I can still smell it.
I'm not sure that even having AC would help. I can smell cigarette smoke inside my house from my neighbors smoking and they are probably 200 feet away. They do smoke outside as they have a baby living with them. I have had the AC on since June. The smoke in my house is probably not at a harmful level but I can still smell it.

A/C shouldn't bring in outside air, if it is you have a problem.

Yes...that commercial does make me more cautious...hence the thread.
And for you doubters.... scroll down to the word "nuisance".
As for moving...we are lucky to own a home at all in California...where my husband works...we would love more acreage but are unable to afford it close enough to where my husbands job-our whole income- is located. I could care less about other contaminants in the air that we have little control over... but an inconsiderate neighbor who chooses the dirty patch of backyard right next to my 6&1/2 foot brick property wall to lite up 10 times a day and at night is a little different. Yeah id love ac but as I said we cant afford a couple thou with the new baby and all that entails.
Second hand smoke is dirty, smelly, unwanted and harmful. Bbq smoke and other airborne contaminants are not the same.
whatever I guess I'll just give up and drink it in to stay cool or let my family sweat to death in a closed up house or go into massive debt to finance ac.
It sounds like I would be next to insane to ask my neighbor politely to smoke a little farther away from my baby's window so his room wont fill with second hand smoke. His right to do whatever he wants on his property and my fear of offending anyone should come before my interest in my baby's safety.
Neighbors live in neighborhoods which are small communities within larger cities...there are pros and cons and a sense of compromise and entitlement all at the same time. But people live here and manage to get along. I'm going to talk to my neighbors and see if they'll be really neighborly and smoke farther away. I don't care if the idea greatly agitates anyone on here...
You DO realize these are cases of adjoining apartments /crap condis, right?
I know what you are going through and it's hard. Like I said in my last post our neighbor was something else. My kids are now 3 and 6 and I still keep them away from smokers. We moved to a farm and yes we do have other smells but it's not cigarette smoke. Everyone has their opinion. Some people like to smoke and I have a thing for McDonalds cheese burgers....I'm only hurting my own body.
Are you sure? I have window units and I thought they were supposed to take in outside air. Keep in mind I'm a clueless chick when you reply with far more knowledge than I posses. :)

no they pull air from the room, it goes through the unit and is cooled, blows back into the room. There is an exhaust to the outside that cools off the condenser and releases heat outside.
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