Something got half my chickens

I have even fantasized about testing coop and run by actually one at a time penning different predators inside coop and run before I put in birds. If you could keep the predators in? Maybe coop and run good enough to keep them out! Everybody loves to eat chickens. That is a fact.
If you are newbie loosing birds know that we all went through it as we learned. The poultry netting that is electrified sold by Premier really works and if you take care of it lasts 10years plus. I worked on a farm that used it for grazing meatbirds and egg layers.

A couple things to know about electric fencing. You want the absolute hottest fencer you can find. Mistake many make is to have a 'pet type charger that won't turn even a dog. Also your ground rod being deep enough makes all the difference as to how much puncheven a good fence charger will have. I have used electric for 50 years to keep horses,cows,sheep,goat,dogs,poultry where they belonged.
Only time I have had trouble is if I let fence get overgrown with weeds, lightening blowing a fuse or during extreme drought when ground gets too dry to ground animal.
Donna in Dandridge, Tennessee
Sadly, now you have learned why chickens need to be shut inside the coop each and every night. Coons can reach right through that fencing. Mink and weasels can go right through the gaps.
The coop itself does not have a top. The coop sits inside the entire run, with a metal roof over the entire thing. I just finished putting up 3' of hardware cloth down the bottom portion, bought an extra roll to put across the coop too. Didn't get the coop top finished because it started storming but I plan to finish that part tomorrow. Installed a door in the coop with a lock. I am hoping (fingers crossed) that nothing will be able to get thru the poultry netting at the top. The openings are small so I hope I'm not wrong & they will be safe tonight until I can finish the hardware cloth on the coop top tomorrow. Thank you all so much for the tips, first timer here & ive already learned some very hard lessons. My boys were upset to find out their cockerel was gone this morning. I don't think electric fencing is an option at this point since we have to young boys & our family dog running around the yard all day. Thanks again, I'll let u know in the am how it went
I am betting the chicks were actually walking about perimeter of pen during the night as they were not yet acclimated to the new location. Chicks would have been scattered about edge of pen and easily grabbed through 2 x 4 wire from outside. If that is correct, then ID of predator not that important. Get birds to roost away from pen perimeter immediately. If they were dispersed in pen, then they likely produced distressed sounds calling predators in.

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