Something is happening to my red’s butt please help URGENT


In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2022
I was just going to lock up my chickens and I see blood and something else protruding out of her behind. I can’t tell if it’s a chunk taken out of her or if it’s a prolapsed someplace do any of you know what this could be?
Give her a good long soak in a tub of warm water or in your sink. This will soften the tissues and make cleaning it up easier. Most chickens love to soak in a warm bath. After she's clean, wrap her in a towel with her head covered to deal with whatever is going on there. It looks like a prolapse, but can't be sure until it's cleaned up to be inspected.

If it IS a prolapsed vent, here are a couple of good articles to get you going:
(with links to several good articles below)
Yes, post some photos after you clean her off.
We need to see the location of the vent in relation to the wound/protrusion.

It’s really dry and hard should I soak it?
Is she lethargic?

I'd be more inclined to just spray her off with warm water, get some more photos so we can see the location better in relation to the vent.

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