I just did a not very good sketch of a run idea for the coop I currently have. I didn't really put most of the work into the actual run part of the sketch but I tried.

I was thinking that on the right side of the coop I could cut a chicken/duck door and make a run about the size of the coop.
I would like for the ducks to be able to sleep in it at night although I don't know if that would be smart or safe for them.

It would be chicken wire and hardware cloth or just hardware cloth if the chicken wire wouldn't be needed. I might try doing a better sketch of what I am thinking of doing.
I am also thinking that some of the wall on the side where the run would be can be hardware cloth and just ventilation.
Guess I misunderstood, sounded like you had to decide which to buy so I would've gone with hardware cloth in that case.
We have had a few rolls of chicken wire laying around for a couple years now, so I don't think well be running out of chicken wire anytime soon.
I just need to get some hardware cloth and then we'll be set to make things needing hardware cloth.

I also need to find a good material to put on the floor of the coop, as the old stuff is falling apart and is a bit hazardous to the chickens and ducks cause it could get wrapped around their feet, none of them have ever really gotten wrapped up in it yet but I don't want it to happen either.
I just can't decide weather to use some tiling stuff or the same kind of material that is already in the coop or rubber mats to protect the wood.
I also think I May need to replace the plywood floor as well.
The four holes we drilled seem to be helping even just a little, I want to drill a few in the front but haven't been able to do it yet. I have also been doing my best to get as much poop out of the coop anytime I am messing with the coop which is almost everytime I go outside to do things for the chickens and ducks.

A couple nights ago it was snowy and cold so I had let the drake and hen that were being separated at night sleep in the coop twice, the night before yesterday was the second day they slept in the coop with everyone else.... yesterday, I had to keep the drake and hen separated during the day cause the drakes started fighting again I believe it was because they slept in the coop together.
So I am not going to be letting them sleep in the coop anytime soon now so it will be for probably a long time just 6 ducks and 9 chickens in the coop.
And the drake and hen will be kept in a playpen thing at night..

(Side note: I don't need to have the female duck in with the drake during the day but I want him to have a companion and the hen also has a few issues so it helps her recover from them better with out being bothered by the other ducks and the other drake likes to pull on her feathers,I think that may be considered a behavioural issue but I am not entirely sure as she cant get away very well so I think it's just them telling her to move out of their way.)

Instead of crazy train it should be crazy drakes:)
I am deep cleaning the coop.
I took the plastic stuff off the bottom and am going to temporally replace it with chicken feed bags.


I have the best boxes and the ventilation completely open right now but closed the doors so the chickens and ducks won't go in, there was mold under the old poop that had been there for a long time.
I wore a mask and gloves when I was cleaning it out, I am taking a break and figuring out what im supposed to do after I get all the poop out.
Kiki, is not happy that she cant get in the nesting boxes to lay her egg.
What should I use to disinfect and make sure there's no mold in the coop with?
I read that I should use vinegar and water mixed together and some things said to add baking soda with the water and vinegar.
And how do I use the stuff to clean the coop.
I wore a mask and gloves when I was cleaning it out, I am taking a break and figuring out what im supposed to do after I get all the poop out.

You want to put in a thick layer of dry organic material and then improve your ventilation so that it stays dry and thus dehydrates the poop rapidly.

If you can't add lots of bedding and more ventilation then you're going to have to clean more often.
What should I use to disinfect and make sure there's no mold in the coop with?
I read that I should use vinegar and water mixed together and some things said to add baking soda with the water and vinegar.
And how do I use the stuff to clean the coop.

Wet cleaning could just make the problem worse because the same poor airflow that allowed the coop to stay damp and grow mold in the first place won't let it dry out after cleaning.

If you were completely removing the birds so that you could make alterations to the coop that would be different. You could bleach it and whitewash it.

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