Sorting out my Meyers order and some sexing ?? from my hodges order.

First picture looks more like GLWs rather than BLRWs. With all of mine the blue is evident from hatch and I see more Golden color on these ones and they are lacking the more red color that they should have. Or is this just the flash that threw off the color?
Second pic or the LBCs, looks like a trio with the comb on the one at the water bowl. They are lovely birds, aren't they?
Ameraucanas - it is possible to feather sex that at the stage they are in here, but you may just have to wait to figure that out down the line. I see a Black, 2 Blues and a Splash but can't see what the one in the corner is.
You are most likely correct about the White Marans, there aren't any other varieties that Meyer has that these chicks could be.
You are also correct on the SLWs. They are pretty distinctive with their coloring.
The next picture, Wyandottes have pea comb, Rocks have singles, so you should be able to tell the difference with those two. Partridge Chicks tend to have the same coloration in their fluffies. You have to look at other traits.
The next two pictures I need to ask, do they have feathered legs? Is the color on their beaks more yellow or horn colored. You may need to look closer at those things to decide. The BAs I have had have had more of Whitish with Black on the beaks. A couple had a stray white feather but not like what is on your pictures. Don't forget to look at the bottoms of the feet for color. I don't know the difference offhand between the Marans and the BA though for feet color.
Next picture, one GLW and one SLW. Are the two chicks in those two pictures the same ones? The one looks very dark, almost black?
As for your Meyers chicks, what did you order? Can you post side views of the different breeds you have there? Looking from the top isn't going to give enough to make a call on.
I see one blue laced red, and 2 black laced reds. If they're all BLRW. Two could be GLW, or just hatchery BLRW.

Yes, BAs (and other solid black birds) can have white wing tips as chicks. The white feathers will molt out as they mature.

The cocoa color chicks aren't GLWs, so maybe they are partridge rocks. That isn't a breed I've had before though so I can't say for sure that's what they are.

Enjoy your babies!
The one little black one with the white coming in... it just seems to me to be a lot of white, and on the first picture it looks almost like a heavily white barring. Don't you think? Otherwise, I would agree on the BA. Clean legs or feathered? And yes, I know not all the Marans have feathered legs, but it could be a clue if they were feathered. Just saying.
Two of the chicks in the first pic have like no blue. The other actually does look quite blue, he/she is actually also in the second picture. The one out front with clean legs. I only ordered two cochins.

The ameraucana chicks are supposed to be all blue. But I'm thinking hodges is a scam and if they didn't send me the right color, they are probably EE.
(which I wouldn't mind except I could have got EE locally for a couple buck each.

THe marans picture: Meyers advertises splash marans(as well as white) in their rare marans collection. I would be tickled to have splash, but white are fine too.

I have to look at the beaks and feet of the next pic.

The next two are the same birds different angles. I didn't know if maybe they were the both wyandottes(the darker one has that striping down it's back) just hatchery quality so the one looks different..

From Meyers I ordered 5 rare marans, 6 BA, 4 white rock, 2 partridge rock, 2 GLW, 2 SLW

I really can't tell which other 2 might be from the rare marans collection. Because all the black ones look the same to me. lol No feathered legs, except trio of little whitish marans.
Two of the chicks in the first pic have like no blue. The other actually does look quite blue, he/she is actually also in the second picture. The one out front with clean legs. I only ordered two cochins.

The ameraucana chicks are supposed to be all blue. But I'm thinking hodges is a scam and if they didn't send me the right color, they are probably EE.
(which I wouldn't mind except I could have got EE locally for a couple buck each.

THe marans picture: Meyers advertises splash marans(as well as white) in their rare marans collection. I would be tickled to have splash, but white are fine too.

I have to look at the beaks and feet of the next pic.

The next two are the same birds different angles. I didn't know if maybe they were the both wyandottes(the darker one has that striping down it's back) just hatchery quality so the one looks different..

From Meyers I ordered 5 rare marans, 6 BA, 4 white rock, 2 partridge rock, 2 GLW, 2 SLW

I really can't tell which other 2 might be from the rare marans collection. Because all the black ones look the same to me. lol No feathered legs, except trio of little whitish marans.

You understand that your Ameraucanas are going to come either Blue, Black or Splash because of the way the Blue Gene breeds, right? They won't just send Blues, you will get a mix of the three. I just got an order of Blue Bantam Cochins and ended up with 2 of each color. I am happy with that as long as I have some of both gender.

The blacks with white are most likely Australorps.

As far as markings on chicks like the Wyandottes, their color can vary in their fluff, so you can't really say that because of their color that they are 'just hatchery'. They naturally can come out with fluffy chick down that varies, but they may feather out just as they should. Most breeds hatch looking completely different than what their actual color is when they mature, so it isn't a factor to judge quality by.

I hope most of your questions on who is who is answered. Like I said earlier though, time will give you all the answers you need.
Post updated pictures in a couple of weeks if you are still puzzled.
I didn't understand that about the ameraucanas, that is good to know. I also have 6 wheaten, but they are easy to tell apart. lol

I think I might have figured out why there are SO many black chicks. I was only supposed to get 6 BA, but there are definitely 8. When I was cleaning out the brooder just now I found 2 black chicks that have all one light colored beak, not dark colored like the BA. There are 8 chicks that have dark/light mixed beaks, they all have black/yellow fluff, lots have white wing tips. I think they sent 2 extra BA instead of my extra GLW and SLW. The 2 black chicks that have light beaks don't have much yellow fluff on them. Their legs are yellow. They must be my other marans. I guess time will tell.

Thanks everyone!

I guess I'll sell the BA when they feather out because we already have 4 that are about 13 weeks old. Got them on craigslist as chicks, they were supposed to be dark brahmas. But I didn't really know anything about dark brahmas beforehand, so we got duped.
Actually, it is common for the hatcheries to send extras when they have them, usually cockerels. That is probably why you have so many BAs. However, your Marans should have slate colored legs if they are BBS (Black/Blue/Splash). Mostly they will have pinkish legs and depending on the variety/color, they may have some slate gray wash down the front.

I believe that Meyer has a policy of substituting similar chicks if they can't fill the order. Some hatcheries do that also.

I think you have some good birds there if all you have them for is to get eggs. You will have extras, but put them on Craigslist when they get big enough to be sure of their genders.

Good luck.
I have the exact amount that I ordered. Only I don't seem to have 2 SLW and 2 GLW, just one of each. But 2 extra BA.

I don't know what the two little black chicks are with the yellow legs, no feathering. If they aren't any kinda of marans, what would they have sent? If you sell something as a rare marans collection, what can you possibly substitute? lol

Also, they better all be pullets, because I paid for all pullets.

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