SOS *action needed* on behalf of Mesa AZ members! Defend our chickens!

A little bit of good news. I spoke to Councilmember Richins on the phone, and he said that the language in the proposed ordinance about chickens was a very, very last minute addition that was not vetted through the committee before it was added.
He thinks that the current ordinance is fine as it is, and is very supportive of people having chickens. He and Councilmember Jones are going to do everything they can to get the change to the current ordinance removed, so that we will continue to be able to keep chickens.
He did say that its important for people to keep on top of this issue, and to encourage everyone to write and call about this, because the more people who support keeping chickens the easier it will be to get the change to the chicken ordinance removed.
One more piece of good news. I got a call from Councilmember Higgin's office (she is the head of the Planning and Zoning Committee) and was told that 'since it wasn't brought up to the committee' that she was going to ask that the proposed changes to the poultry ordinance be removed.
We haven't won quite yet, so its important to stay on top of this and continue to email and call about this, as things could still go the other way. But things are looking very, very hopeful.
Go Mesa Chickens! Start taking eggs to the city council and let them see what great eggs backyard chickens produce. Or maybe take a flock of chickens down to city council meeting and give them an opportunity to voice their concern.
I can hear it now:
"Bawk bawk bawk, cackle cackle bawk bawk"
Dazzle them with your best hens!

Best of luck!
I just figured out this was going on. I sent comments to the city council and mayor through the mesa city website. I will use that same website to track down the phone number for my vice-mayor/councilman and call him. I have emailed those I expect to support this and will call or visit chicken owners in my neighborhood as well. Thank you for alerting us to this important freedom issue.

Via Internet Contact mayor / city council link:

find Council member names/phone: (there is also a link to find your council district on this page.

My letter just stated something like: Please protect our right to own back yard chickens on lots of all sizes. Please, please support us in this. Many of my neighbors have chickens and find them to be wonderful pets, quieter than dogs and easy to keep clean. Fresh eggs are wonderful as well and give us one more hedge in this ecomony. Please, please protect our freedom in this important issue.

Great job!

We often find it helpful (as you did) to help educate the officials that if properly cared for, chickens tend to be less noisy, dirty, smelly, etc. than cats or dogs.

The last interview I had I basically said: "Imagine if your neighbor had 5 cats or dogs confined in a small area and cleaned up after them less than once a month... how much more of a problem would that be than 5 chickens?

A smaller lot would require more attention to care for and clean up after any animal. A properly cared for small flock of chickens (5-6) should be allowable in all areas where people are allowed to keep dogs and cats.
Thank you Nifty.

Good news. Word on the street is that the language has already been removed and was only on the proposal for a day.

I hope it is true. I also hope those council got a lot of letters and emails on this. If you haven't sent an email, I would still suggest doing so.
I hope you are right and they have taken this "solution in search of a problem" off the slate! My emails went out this morning, just in case...

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