Sound of Silence 6am - No More Crowing

I think it would need to be wider than a ponytail holder personally. I like the tight sock idea but not sure if it would stay tight enough. Maybe go to the local craft store like Joann's and get a very wide piece of velcro and try that.
We did a knee-sock for a day...worked for a bit...then it got loose. Rusty the rooster now has a new home (surprised our neighbors in-laws with a coop, rooster & 3 hens). LOL they love them & will probably be logging into this site soon!
I am going to try this idea of a rooster collar on my younger roos but am very happy with my decrowed roo. Has anybody here looked into it. Wouldn't it be easier to just buy a silent roo.Daryl is low maintenance( no tightening or adjusting collars).
I was worried about the reaction when Zulu started crowing, so we invited the neighbors over to meet him, in the hopes that they would like him before he got loud. (He's a Polish) They fell in love with his crazy "hair", and said they are fine with him. Now that he has found his voice, they can hear him, and said that they actually like it. So far so good!

Using the collar and decrowing are both on our back up list, as Zulu is not going anywhere.
I found a page . She sells collars for 10 dollars each. Her video looks like it works well.
I have ordered one of these for my silkie cockerel Percy. I live in Australia so it may take several weeks to get here. In the meantime, whilst not wanting to re-invent the wheel, I have improvised and made my own rooster collar from some fabric and pieces of velcro. The collar has really stifled the crows considerably. I'm really looking forward to the arrival of the tried and tested rooster collar from the States. The trick with these collars is to get them tight enough to stop the air sacs in the neck expanding with the amount of air required to produce the crow, yet being loose enough so as not to impact on any other normal activities.

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