Sound of Silence 6am - No More Crowing

Well in my quest to keep my rooster quiet, I tried the toddler sock thing. Did alter his crow but not enough for my liking, so I just purchased this any barking noise machine from pet safe.
It's suppose to help dogs stop barking from a frequency that they can hear, I've also read online about someone in the phillipines using something similar. So I am going to give it a shot. Worst case scenario it will keep the neighbours dogs quiet
Hmm, I got one of those for my dog a long time ago. It worked temporarily, but it drains batteries quickly, and by the time I replaced the batteries, my dog had gotten immune to it and it didn't work on her anymore. Let us know how it works for your rooster.
Well so far my rooster still crows but it seems a bit less. i think its getting the idea of it and the noise it makes when it crows. at first it was trying to "out chime it" but it didn't work so now it seems a bit less.. keep you all posted. i put it up only 2 days ago. i am hoping he gets the idea. :)
Well so far my rooster still crows but it seems a bit less. i think its getting the idea of it and the noise it makes when it crows. at first it was trying to "out chime it" but it didn't work so now it seems a bit less.. keep you all posted. i put it up only 2 days ago. i am hoping he gets the idea. :)

That's good news so far! My roo is wearing a velcro collar right now, which has really toned him down. My neighbor said he doesn't care about the crowing, but I'd rather tone the roo down than start a problem.
ya i will do the velcro collar if he doesn't tone down, he likes to crow back at a rooster two doors down which makes me insane. are you checking his collar for mites , etc... or did you just cover it in DE before you put it on him? i had a toddler sock around his neck which made him crow a bit less but i started feeling a bit sorry for him.
I dusted in in DE, and am checking it every few days. So far so good. He still crows, but it's no where near as loud. If he tries too hard, he runs backwards. That lasted a day, until he figured it out.
Very interesting! We are in a bad situation, the our neighborhood doesn't allow chickens so I'm setting up our case. We got 5 laying pullets and 3 chicks. 2 are 11 wk cochins and one is an 10 wk EE. One of the cochins turned out to be a cockerel. He has let out 2 or 3 half crows but only when he was provoked. The rest of the time he is silent. I hope we can fight extra hard to keep him because he's getting very handsome and is very sweet. I really would like to try out this trick! Thank you very much! I look forward to how it holds up!

Hey, I am very interested in how this all worked out for you. I have a court date for day after tomorrow. I racked my brain trying to figure out how to get around this, and just learned about collars today. I have a pair of Sultans and boy oh boy, is my roo ever a crower, but he is doing his job, and I intend to keep them because I love them with all my heart. I love having a rooster in my flock. I had a huge jersey giant rooster to start off with, his name was Emu… He was a big guy at 19 pounds, too big for my girls, he was really hard on them so I did rehome him and that was really a hard thing for me to do.
Please! Anything you can give me as far as information would be helpful in my case I am certain of it. Thank you
We've been using a collar of sorts for our roo. It's a wide piece of double sided velcro, soft side in. He wears it most days, but we do take it off here and there so his neck gets some air. He still crows, but it's much quieter. My neighbors tell me that they can't hear him when it's on, but they sure can when it's off. They are not complaining about the noise he makes, but knowing that we have more up and coming roos we wanted to see if we could lower the decibel level. So far so good.

This was posted in another thread. I made one of the same design and will be trying it out tonight! The problem I see with some of the other designs, including the commercial collar, is that they look too flexible, thereby still allowing the rooster to crow. This all-velcro one is really stiff, and the rooster in the video barely makes a sound!

This was posted in another thread. I made one of the same design and will be trying it out tonight! The problem I see with some of the other designs, including the commercial collar, is that they look too flexible, thereby still allowing the rooster to crow. This all-velcro one is really stiff, and the rooster in the video barely makes a sound!

Thanks for the video. It's perfect for my situation. Let us know how yours work. How many inches long to you have it? Thanks

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