Sound of Silence 6am - No More Crowing

I found Velcro All Purpose Straps of Elastic at Home Depot today. One inch wide. It's soft on the inside where it would be next to the rooster's neck. Someone tells me 1" Velcro works for her roosters, but another woman said her roosters require 2" wide Velcro. Should I take it back and get 2"? Anyone know of videos about how to make your own rooster collars out of these Velcro Elastic All purpose straps? Thanks in advance.
Did the poster ever post a video of his tube sock method, like he promised? I haven't been able to find it? Anyone have the link to it, or did he not ever post it?
Did the person who started this thread ever post a video showing the tube sock on his rooster, how it was placed, etc? If so, can you share the link with me? I don't have time to go through all 22 pages...
The sock doesn't work & even collars don't work for all roos.
The best way to make a collar is with velcro. I don't sew. Instead, I used the sticky-back velcro & attached 2 parallel rows to a thick (maybe 2" wide) piece of ribbon . On the very end, I attached the sractchy-hookie part. Should be tight but not choking. Getting the right balance is the hard part.
If that really works, you should market it and make a mint!!! Go on shark tank!

We are city chicken people, all hens for eggs, but a neighbor just bought a rooster. It crows all loud and proud constantly all. day. long. Seriously. Starting long before sun-up. I'm going to go take them a sock and see what happens!
If that really works, you should market it and make a mint!!! Go on shark tank!

We are city chicken people, all hens for eggs, but a neighbor just bought a rooster. It crows all loud and proud constantly all. day. long. Seriously. Starting long before sun-up. I'm going to go take them a sock and see what happens!
We have a "suburban flock." Our neighbors all love the chickens - including the roos, but technically there's a noise ordinance. In other words, if no one complains, then there's no problem.

I currently take mine into the garage a night. I set up a rooster box/bed. Can stand but not lift head. It's also darker in there. The crows are quiet b/c he has to crow lying down or forward. When the garage is shut, nothing can be heard outside. I let the roo(s) outside after 8am. in the winter, the coop & run are insulated. Also sunrise is much later & no one has open windows.. No one can hear a crow unless they're already awake & outside.

There is a person who already makes the no-crow collar. Costs maybe $18. Mine costs less that $2, or free if you already have velcro. IMO- the collars don't work for all roos. Made my 1st roo's crow higher-pitched & longer. Did nothing for the volume! Worse in all ways.
I'm still figuring out which roo to keep. In the meantime, I made a couple no-crow collars for the boys. They do not fight but sometimes like to have a crow off. Thankfully it doesn't start until 8:30am when I 1st put them outside.

The top roo has had his for well over a month. Today the #2 got one. When I put it on, I did not make it tight enough. The roo was able to crow at about 90% his volume. I'll adjust it tomorrow & simply allow him to get used to wearing a collar for today. There's no rush & I'd rather introduce it slowly than have him hurt himself freaking out. Note: Many walk backwards (trying to get it off) for a couple min. I make sure to put them in an open area so they won't bang into something.

Here's how I made them:
Piece of ribbon 1.5" wide X about 6-7" long
I used a flame to singe the cut edges so it does not unravel.

To avoid sewing, I used self-adhesive velcro. I put the soft, fuzzy strip on the length of the ribbon with a little overhang.

I flipped it over & attached short strips of the scratchy part to the other side.

Then I cleaned up any sharp edges with scissors. I also made sure to take my time to avoid waste. The velcro tape is very sticky.

It actually took me longer to download the pics than to make the collar. So far I've used these type of collars on 5 diff roos. It worked great for 3 of them. One is today's boy, so I don't know the final outcome. The one true failure was our 1st roo. He loved to crow all day & nothing stopped him. The various collars either made his crow higher-pitched & longer or were too tight & hazardous for him. For the rest it muffled their crow as well as decreased the frequency.

No matter what we do, a roo is going to crow. The goal is to make the crow quieter. After the chickens go to roost, I carry the boys to their rooster box in the garage. it's insulated & darkened, so they can crow away. They are barely heard from outside the garage. Around 8-8:30 I put them in the yard.
Thanks for the good instructions. I decided to buy mine from Australia, as they are super soft and cost only about $7 each. A friend made hers out of Velcro and was horrified when her rooster died. She said the Velcro went hard and she didn't realize it until she found him dead. She had noticed he hadn't been crowing as much lately, right before he died. She says the Aussie collars are much more forgiving.. Still, I'm quite nervous about putting one on him and have been procrastinating. It's high time, as he has started to crow, learning how, and the earlier you get the collar on, the better, I have read.
I'm trying both he has a sock not to tight and then the NoCrowRoosterCollar above to make it more comfortable not that tight he's eating and acting good! He hates the Velcro more than sock.
I found the home made collars can work well for some & not work for others. There are many adjustments. Always better to start off not as tight. I also never leave them until I see how they are after crowing. Mine work better for big roosters than cockerels. I think it may have to be tightened too much for it to work on a young male.

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