Sound Proof Coop


12 Years
Apr 3, 2011
San Diego
Hello All,
I need to build a temporary coop to house some of my boys until I can move them to the country. They are 4 weeks old now but cannot be moved until June. I'm worried that they will start to crow before then. I've talked to Sound Proofing Companies and they gave me some pointers. To be sound proof It has to be solid as in no screens. That's it.

Home Depot sells sound proof panels that could line the inside. Has anyone ever used them and do they work?

How do I provide ventilation? I have elecricity so I could put in a fan if necessary.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Also, the boys need to be Inside the coop until 8 am. After that they can be outside in a large run and crow all they want.

Out of 11 hatched chicks 8 are boys! Yieks! Just my luck.
Thanks Bear Paw. How tall would the chimney have to be? And, do i still need a fan? I was planning on making the coop, well box really, 4'x6' x 12-15 inches high.
Quote: That sounds more like a crate than a coop.
They will barely have room to stand, and it will be hard to clean.

I think you need a much larger coop, and don't worry about noise UNTIL it becomes a problem.

By then it will be almost time to move anyway
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Way too small .This is a picture of me holding a sitting rooster in my lap at 20 wks old...and he was this size for several weeks before. He really didn't start to crow til about 16 wks, so maybe you won't have a problem.

Unfortunately, I will have a problem! I currently live in the city. They are changing the law to No Roosters. The law will go in effect this month or next. Hubbie and I are looking for property in the country. Every time we come close it's snatched away. I didn't think it was going to be this hard. OK, so I can make the coop taller. The reason I made it so low is because the City suggests a coop where the rooster cannot lift it's head to crow during the night. Keep in mind they will have a large run for during the day. I'm back to the ventilation issue. If I put a fan on one side drawing the air out and drill some holes on the opposite side to pull air in will that be enough.

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