Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

My girl was not laying. This has a sad end. She did not make it. The meds seemed to be helping, but she was very thin before she got sick. She stopped eating. I do think the Monistat helped, but you may want to try something like nystatin which is meant for that type of consumption. I cannot guarantee that the Monistat was not harmful in this process.
My girl was not laying. This has a sad end. She did not make it. The meds seemed to be helping, but she was very thin before she got sick. She stopped eating. I do think the Monistat helped, but you may want to try something like nystatin which is meant for that type of consumption. I cannot guarantee that the Monistat was not harmful in this process.
Sorry for your loss... I seriously doubt the Monistat harmed her and suspect that she had a serious infection or cancer.

People need to remember that *most* crop problems are secondary to something else, and unless the "something else" is treated, the chance for recovery is slim.

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my hen has not been feeling well, her crop is full of liquid and she's kinda droopy. Is this sour crop? she threw up twice earlier when i tipped her forward.
It very well could be sour crop crazychicken5, I am certainly no expert but you can try the monistat and see if it works for you, as it is pretty inexpensive and easy to find and try. I did have success with it but sometimes sour crop can be the result of another problem such as impacted crop. Try the monistat and if you see a reduction in the crop size keep it up, as I saw an improvement pretty quickly with my hen. I also made my girl a crop sling made out of an old tshirt that I tied to hold her crop more upright to be able to better drain. I hope this helps and your hen recovers. Best of luck!
Hi I was wondering if you separated the chicken from the rest of them? I have a sick girl who has been separated before and still is having a rough time getting back into the groove of the pecking order. Anyways, I emptied out her crop but this morning it still was squishy. She is drinking water and nibbling at the dirt but doesnt seem to want to eat food. I need some solid help and direction.
Just dealt with this. Felt I needed to throw it in here. Grew up raising birds so my second round with chickens has been deja vu... thought something was wrong with her because she was acting different, thought she might have an impacted egg because she had been laying funny but after picking her up and examining her I realized that wasn't it but her breath smelled like sewage and thought that's not right. Went in and after some brain storming... sour crop! I went back out looked at her again and sure enough she had that big ball hanging to the right side of her chest. I downed a couple tablespoons of olive oil down her throat massaged her crop filled hee up with water massaged her crop for a min and then threw her upside down and emptied her crop... disgusting! Repeated three times leaving her with 2 final teaspoons of olive oil in her crop (so that would help things thru her that weren't coming up and out. Threw her back in with the other ladies looked traumatized the rest of the day but I had noticed when I went in at night to close them up she was up on the roast and was talking to me. I hadn't heard a peep from her in the last week she had been acting funny. This morning I ran out there at 6am because I could hear a bird freaking out... needless to say it was her, she was starving! LOL WHAT A SIGH OH RELIEF! Had been sick for a week. Noticed and diagnosed at home with olive oil and warm water. 100% better not even 24hrs later. Good luck to you all
Thank you so much for this info!!! Even though I lost my hen(too late) I can now increase the others chances of survival with your experience.. thank you for sharing. : )
Fingers crossed its not too late for mine, exactly what she needs, thank you if it works :)
I finally know what to give her, it all makes perfect sense!!!!!!!!
I just want to tell all that this sure worked for my large White Sussex Hen! Cured after 6-doses, however I plan to continue the other 3 doses. Thank You,robinwiththechickens for thinking out of the box and sharing it with us! I also used Nutri-Drench Vitamins and ACV in the water. The hen would even stand up before treatment. And improved after the 2nd dose...the first day!

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