Sour crop support needed

Naomi is just great! She has had a real turn around. Yesterday, since the squishy crop was gone, I started added soft food and by evening, she was having some chick starter mixed in with it. This morning, I added a few crumbles to the applesauce so we'll see how that goes. The plan is to take her back to "her home" this afternoon since it's going to be warmer here for a few days. I'll keep an eye on her but she seems back to her normal ways. I am so thankful. Thanks for asking!
I didn't leave any food during the night just to make certain that the crop emptied like it is supposed to do. In fact, that's a question that has come to my mind, too, after going through all of this. Maybe food should be taken out of the chicken house during the night, too? I have had one of those hanging feeders with their layer crumbles so that they can eat "when they get up." I also have a little nightlight in their house just so they can keep oriented if there are noises in the barn, etc. I don't know if they eat during the night or not. BUT, maybe they should have a time for the crop to become empty. Can anyone help us here...or should I ask that question on a separate thread?

Thanks to all the support from here, especially upthecreek. I couldn't have done it without ya'.
She ate the yogurt and egg so fast!! She is so hungry. I did massage her chest a little before feeding her and the swollen squishy mass is no longer there. Now just worried about this little hard lump thing. So I quess we'll see what happens during the day. I will try to feed her again around 2:00.

Thanks Ipana for all your support!
I massaged ner then kind of turned her upside down and pressed the squishy stuff down and she would throw up alot of liquid. DId that for several days about 3 to 4 times a day then tried the 3 cc of wine yesterday. No liquid squishy mass this a.m.
Hi everyone with sour crop info. I've been following your ideas since we have an australorp with the problem too. So far we've done oil, baking soda and purge, molasses water, electrolytes, applesauce, yogurt and crop massage and biotin from a vet. When we get her to throw up liquid there is hay/long grass in it. We just gave her some wine. She'd holding her own but is soooo skinny - nothing but bones, skin and feathers. What else can we try? Thanks for the ideas so far.
The hay/grass thing is something mine did not have. She only had a very fowl smelly liquid. I could smell it on her even before I took her out of her cage. IS the crop swollen and squishy or is it hard? Did you first with hold all foods for 24 hours?

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