Southern California Chicken Swap Anyone????????

I have a hard time getting away to get to these things, but I have a ton of chicks and started birds to bring. Silkies, showgirls, barred olive eggers, naked neck EE's, regular EE's, Jersey Giants, BLRW, cochins that are rejects of Mille Fleur cochin breeding projet, Dark Brahma, Lav Orp, Blue/Black Orp, Coronation and Light/Coronation Sussex, CBM,(blue and black) I have two dogs due to whelp their first litter in a couple of weeks. When that happens, I stick really close for the first few weeks, won't be able to take off for hours on end.
What would be the possibility of hosting a get together?? Still have to find a place to do this. We could have a possible pot-luck type thing [outdoors of course]. OR would any other BYCer have a place we could gather? I am thinking out loud here.............
Be sure to check with park rangers if permits are needed for a small group, with chickens, once a location is picked. Permits don't always cost money, but it secures your right to be there with your birds.

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