Soy Meal

Soybean Meal is a protein source for livestock feeds with a Crude Protein content ranging from 38 to 48% depending on the manufacturing process used. By simply adding Soybean Miel to your hens' ration you will be adding protein, it will be easy to oversupplement protein to them.

I'd recommend to NOT supplement with soybean meal especially if you are using a quality, properly formulated ration for your chickens.

I was wondering about the use of soy meal. I was speaking to an older farmer who use's it with his cattle and chickens. He mentioned that the chickens lay a golder yolk egg.

Soy meal = Soybean Meal it is a poduct of the extraction of oil from the soybean seed either mechanically or chemically. Solvent extracted SBM's have a CP content between 44 and 48%, while extruded/expelled SBM contain 38 to 44%.

You can add SBM meal if you want, but you will be oversupplementing Amino Acids which will require significant energy to deamminate. You will also have more ammonia buildup in the the manure.


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