Sparks, NV...we might have a chance at this!


I went to the workshop/meeting on Thursday and it was quite interesting. I'm sorry I haven't posted this earlier, but work and yard work got in the way. The purpose of the meeting was to simply to discuss the wording etc of the working draft of the code changes. The planner wants to have a polished, comprehensive, but simple document ready to present to the city council, rather than just going before the, and saying "we want chickens!"

There was a person from Reno present, who has experience with the healthy food/urban agriculture etc scene going on there, and it was nice to hear from her.

There isn't much more to share other than there should be a bigger meeting coming up hopefully in the near future, and I will post here when I know the times.
I apologize for the delay in any updates, life has been busy and my internet a little spotty.

This ran in the Sparks Tribune a few days ago:

It's a favorable article, but there is a misprint; the recommended setback for both a coop and beehive will be 5 feet, not 10.

The agricultural code is a small bit of the entire city code update, which will hopefully go before the city council soon, no date set yet. At that point, they will vote wether or not to move forward to the research stage (impact studies, etc). After that will come the vote to approve or not.
Hi, I am also very interested in raising some chickens in Sparks, NV. I didn't realize when we purchased our home a year ago that they weren't allowed, I thought it was only livestock that we couldn't have. Please keep me in the loop with any developments, thank you:D

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