Sparrow proof chick feeder?


8 Years
Mar 16, 2012
Parker, CO
This is my first time with chicks hatched from a broody. They are outside and the sparrows are eating up their food like crazy! The hens have a treadle feeder but of course the chicks don't weight enough to be able to use one. I have searched and can't find anything chicks can use that sparrows can't get to. Do I just have to feed the entire neighborhood of sparrows until mine are big enough for a treadle feeder?
All that I can think of is to put the feeder inside their house if it isn't already. I don't know what your set-up is like or how old they are. Maybe put a wide, low-lying roof over it. Something that might discourage a sparrow from climbing under. Hopefully other people respond that have a better idea of what to do than me. Good Luck!
I'd just leave the treadle feeder. Since they're with a broody, she'll open the feeder, grab out bits of food and feed it to them. I certainly would not feed the sparrows. That's just wasting money (feed) and they potentially carry diseases you wouldn't want to deal with.

Good luck, oh the joys of chicken keeping :D
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How about covering the run with bird netting. It is nearly invisible to the human eye but will keep the wild birds OUT of the area.
It will also keep wild birds from easily bringing in unwanted lice and mites. Just a thought.

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