Special chick...please be a pullet! *New Pics!*

Your's does look just like mine! If you figure out what it is, let me know. Regarding the lamp, I wonder how many people out there clamp those onto brooders without thinking about the danger? I'm glad your situation didn't get any worse than a melted lamp! Here's hoping your chick is a pullet, too!!
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I do clamp mine on to things but now I add a nail just to be on the safe side.
SHE looks like she is doing great. walking well and getting pretty feathers.
looks like a girl to me. any new pictures?
WOW, I'm still astounded over the fire pic. I'm glad You & your family are OK. That could of been a serious situation had you not of been home, or had been sleeping. Your guardian Angel was watching out for you! ..... As far as the chick goes, I'd keep him as a reminder as to how lucky you really are..... Call him Lucky!..............
I think she's definitely a pullet. Those RIR and production reds get their combs and wattles pretty early. They can be quite big and pink for pullets, but if you already see red...that's your roo sign. But so far, I see nothing that says roo on your chick. I hope you get lots of eggs from her!
My thought would be pullet. S/he does not seem to have any pink/red showing in that comb and I would think that by 5 weeks (?) it would be a bit bigger in a roo....
I hope you are able to keep Lucky. What a frightening situation...thank goodness you drove up when you did.
Your poor bathroom!!!
I have what was sold to me as a Cherry Egger (aka production red) pullet (well, not so sure at this point "she's" a pullet, either) but as far as looks go, she looks just like your Lucky.

Have to say I think Cherry Egger is such a much prettier name than production red.

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