Special needs chickens contest

This is why I don't give up on people!! You guys are great for loving this little chickies despite their imperfections.
Yes, make me want to do the happy dance!!!
im glad to see that there are people out there that take their time to care for these special need chickens, if these chickens were in a battery farm or in the care of people that dont have the time or just dont want to take the extra effort to care for these chickens, i know that they would be dumped somewhere or even killed.
This is George. No, he is a she. I thought she was a he but found out just before she started laying that he was a she because she started doing the squat. Anyway, she lives in side with me and is famous in the family. Those that know about her ask about her and ask for pics. She is a real sweetie and follows me around the house and the yard when she is out to play. She started out living with her hatch mates and was very slow to grow in size and feathers. When her hatch mates where outside she was still under the heat lamp. After a while of living outside with her hatch mates I integrated some silkies in the crowd. They did not tolerate her in the pen but will free range with her all day. She tends to stay to herself and i'm sure it's to avoid any attacks. She will just squat and let the attacker peck at her so I keep an eye on her when she is outside with the others. The ones she hatched with don't bother her, it's a couple of the silkies.

Anyway, she loves to be petted and loved on and will wrap her neck on me as if she is hugging me. She will throw a fit if she wants out of her cage to roam around the house and she plays with my daughters dog and picks the fleas off both dogs. If the other dog gets to rough she will chase her away and she usually chases the cat away. She usually comes when she is called and when she is ready to either lay an egg or go to bed she just hops in her cage and does what ever it is she needs to do. If she wants water that I haven't noticed she is out of she will peck on her water bottle to get my attention. Same with her food. She will hide under the coffee table and run out at us when we walk by like a cat does. She will chase us then we turn around and act like we're chasing her and she runs away then turns around to chase us. One of her games she plays.

George was born without a sinus on one side and blind on that side also. Her face is caved in on one side and when she is hot and breaths heavy the air comes out the eye socket. George is a sizzle.


By emvickrey at 2010-11-17

By emvickrey at 2010-09-23

By emvickrey at 2010-07-30
This is her bad side

By emvickrey at 2010-07-30
You can see how one side is sunken in

By emvickrey at 2010-07-30

And that's my Georgie
Madagascar chick. He hatched from a shipped egg with a blown air cell. I assisted with the hatching and discovered that the crook of his right wing had embedded into his skull causing all kinds of deformities. He has a normal eye on the other side. He has grown quite a bit since then but now his legs are splaying and his toes are knuckled over. Anyone in their right mind would have dispatched him but the egg having traveled around the world and surviving all that it did, I am letting him live for now.


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