Special Treats!!

fresh minced garlic in oats, scrambled eggs (when they need protein), minced apples, blueberries, freeze dried meal worms, plain yogurt (not too often), buttermilk (when they need probiotics), watermelon, earthworms, salsa chips (crushed), tortillas. If they need calcium you can grind up Tums and put in the buttermilk or yogurt. If they need a boost to their immune system - add grapefruit seed extract to the apples or to water; fresh minced garlic, scrambled eggs with vitamin e oil, B12 liquid in water or Vit C (500 ppm). Lots of love - hold them where their wings are held firmly and let them wrap one foot around your fingers so they feel secure. I lay out in the sun with my hens - only about 10 minutes. They lay on their side and spread out their wing - I just lay on the chaise. They love a little cheese now and then, if I really need them to follow me - I say "chick, chick, cheese" and that third word makes them run, because they love cheese - I do American slices with real milk and sometimes shredded mild cheddar. Yes, they are spoiled.
My girls will eat anything, but their most favorite treat are hotdogs. I always pick up 2 inexpensive pks when I go shopping and hand feed them to my hens throughout the day.
Okay if you are feeding your chickens chicken ( i personally think thats wrong ) with bones , pick the bones out. That's the same think you do when a animal is dumb enough to swallow a bone.
( aka : chickens and my 2 13 yrs old dogs ) Make sure the chicken you feed them is cooked!!!!

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Okay if you are feeding your chickens chicken ( i personally think thats wrong )  with bones , pick the bones out. That's the same think you do when a animal is dumb enough to swallow a bone.
( aka : chickens and my 2 13 yrs old dogs ) Make sure the chicken you feed them is cooked!!!!:thumbsup  :welcome           

I have to admit, chickens eating chicken does gross me out, but so too does finding bits of leftover mice laying around the pen. Chickens love meat, including chicken meat. I would definitely remove the bones though.
Rice, pasta, corn, seeds, pony mix (food for my horse but sometimes I give it to the mob, it has sunflower seeds, barley, lots and lots of seed and it has a molasses flavour), bread, apples oh so so much I give them.
They go crazy for tomatoes.
Mine too have a love of horse food. Very dangerous habit, standing under the thoroughbreds while they eat. I have lost 2 Roos that way. Rusty didn't like them in his feed bin!
If I am carrying my rooster around and I go near the horses one comes one of my horse comes running up nickering to my rooster and he was so gentle with my roo. Although I must admit my roo was terrified of this thing nickering, blowing in and out, and rubbing is nose against him. The soon got used to each other I could nearly put the roost on my horses back.

My chooks always eat hay. Sounds crazy but I have watched a straw of hay get gobbled by a chook. I see it all the time. They like to eat the seeds from the oaten hay.
I have 9 horses, but the latest is not long off the track. The chooks free range and occasionally " run the gauntlet " by jumping into the horses hot feed. Most of the horses stamp and just warn them off , but the newbie is still very offended by a chicken in the feed bowl. I have a silver partridge roo who rides around on my angora goats back, but he stays clear of the bigger horses. Clever boy.

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