Speckled Sussex Chicks...normal to beat up other chicks?


9 Years
Apr 30, 2010
Mid Michigan
Hi everyone! I've posted in the raising Raising Chicks forum about a SS chick I have that is picking at feathers. Well, not exactly feathers but down. It's currently isolated and I have 6 other SS chicks (12 days old) in a mixed breed brooder of 29 chicks. I had a problem with one BO chick having had it's tail feathers picked out yesterday when I got home and am treating that one with blue-kote and pin tar salve. It's currently in the brooder doing OK. The SS don't seem to be bothering it at all...it smells bad and probably isn't tasty anymore.
The BO wouldn't eat in isolation and was beating itself up trying to get to the other chicks). The SS in isolation seems to be doing fine all by itself.

I"ve been monitoring all morning and what I"m seeing is that my SS chicks seem to be picking at the down on the chests mostly or the underside of the BO's and the LB's. Not really the dark birds and not in areas where there are blood-filled shafts. It's the down they're after! They are managing to pull some out and are eating it - or that's what it looks like to me. No one is plucked bare in these areas yet or bleeding or anything.

I"ve started giving more protein in the form of hard-boiled eggs and yogurt and the other birds aren't doing this...JUST the SS chicks. The brooder is large, they aren't overheated, no bright lights in there, lots of natural light and good ventilation. They have room to run, scratch, roost and fly a little. Several places to eat, plenty of water with added vitamins. Should I up the protein even more with some tuna or something?

I'm seriously thinking I need to separate the SS chicks into their own brooder. The other chicks are BO, LB, BR and SLW. All bigger chicks than the SS as well. Is it common for SS chicks to be this aggressive with other breeds or does it sound like some kind of protein difficiency? Do these busy little birds need more protein than the other breeds?

I have them on 18% Purina Sunfresh starter and they were started on 20% Kent starter. I switched them over gradually over a few days. I can get a bag of the 20% Kent starter today at my local elevator...could the Sunfresh feed be part of the problem?

Help! These birds are driving me crazy!

I'm just anxious because I really wanted to try this breed and am pretty frustrated with the behavior of the two that I have isolated now for feather/down picking. It's just these two so far...the other 4 SS seem to be normal enough.
I have six speckled Sussex chicks in my group of 20 hatched April 4. There is a certain amount of chest-bumping and squaring off, but I don't notice that the SS chicks are any more aggressive than any others. They are on Purina Start & Grow, and everyone is fine. They are losing their down now, but that is normal. I haven't noticed any picking.

Try hanging some broccoli or something high up (just above their heads, so they have to jump for it). Throw some fresh greens in there--they love dandelions and other weeds, no long grass. Short pieces of grass are fine, or a clump of sod cut short. Give them some chick grit if they are eating anything other than chick feed.

Sounds like they are either bored or don't have enough space to suit them. Just re-read your description of their accommodations--it sounds fine. Some chicks will bully no matter what. Getting their little minds off it is the key.

Good luck with them. I love the Speckled Sussex--mine are getting their spots, but they still have white on their chests. This is my first experience with the breed.

If you need to isolate any of them at least give them 1 or 2 buddies in with them or when you put them back together they won't be able to fend the others off.
Thanks Casey! I'm a little nervous giving them lower protein treats right now because I recently changed to the Sunfresh starter from 20% Kent starter and I'm worried that the starchy treats I was giving them displaced protein. With dandelion greens (which I have in PLENTY!!!) ...does the milky sap do any harm? And can they also have the flowers? I can do the short sod thing as well and have wanted to but I'm a bit nervous now offering anything extra but yogurt and cooked egg. I've got gobs of spinach, lettuce, kale, mustard, collard and turnip greens growing in the garden as well as cabbage, sorrel and carrot tops. So I've got a lot of entertainment-type greens to choose from! They've been getting some grit too since I started with the treats.

I love the SS too and they seem like they would be perfect for my situation and climate. They're even gorgeous as scraggly chicks
Definitely NOT wallflowers by any means!!
Thank you! Actually, there are two down pluckers together in isolation (not picking at each other at all either) The other four are living in relative harmony with the rest of the flock
That's good to know. Maybe it's just bad toddler chick behavior
I see you're in Michigan too...care to adopt a couple annoying SS chicks? LOL!

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