Splash/ Blue Silkie Thread

If your out there, any One know how to Delete my Post above, WAITING over a month
No answers ............. ? done with this Bleep bleep.
I don't believe you can delete posts but you can edit the post by clicking on the pencil under your post, remove everything from the context box and then just enter a period, or "deleted" or something like that. Was there something wrong?
1TurkenLover- you can't delete the post, but you can edit the text out of it. I'm guessing the reason no ones replied is because we just don't know. Its hard to tell what color they are due to the lighting in your pictures. If you could post new pictures taken in natural light, that would help heaps. It looks like their little wing feathers are coming in white, so I'd guess they're probably splash. This thread also doesn't see a lot of action, its usually pretty dead around here. Sorry you're feeling slighted, but it just happens sometimes. Your chicks are ADORABLE. And I'd imagine they've grown quite a bit since you posted those pictures. I'd love to see some more recent pics of them :)

blipit007- :love your splash boys, I especially like that last pic! Great looking guys!

I've hatched out 3 splash chicks this year, the first I've had in 2 years! When you have a black rooster, you get no splash chicks, but my blue Sizzle and Silkie cockerels have finally started doing their jobs (super happy about that!). I'm. :fl at least one of them is a cockerel so I can make many, many more!
your splash boys, I especially like that last pic! Great looking guys!
That is Tuna! He's my favorite. Both my Splash boys are mama's boys. They sit in my lap quietly and nap. They even tolerate when I pick them up and give them a kiss on their comb. Weird? LOL... Tuna is starting to get a little rough with the other boys (grabbing the scruff in the back of their neck),he is the roughest of the bunch. Luckily hasn't touched the girls yet... I need to choose who to get rid of as I have 5 boys out of the 7 I got. Both splash are staying, hopefully if Tuna is around less boys he will chill out.
Just had 3 chicks hatch out of my splash/blue pair.


She is really light. Is there any way to breed to darken the splash coloring.
Just had 3 chicks hatch out of my splash/blue pair.


She is really light. Is there any way to breed to darken the splash coloring.

I'm wondering the same thing. I have a splash hen that is almost completely white. I need a good blue roo but I'm hoping one of my sizzle offspring eventually gives me a frizzled blue roo to pair with her...
I'm using a blue roo, but still getting light chicks. They look white at hatch. I had a beautiful splash hen with great color. Sadly she had to be put down due to wry neck caused by a peck of a aggressive broody. I tried everything to get her over it with no sucess. That broody is now raising her chick though and it looks promising.

The eggs that just hatched are from the light hen. Two white and a blue at hatch. 4 more to hatch on the 24th. I candled last night and they all look good.

This is a chick from a earlier hatch. It started out white and has been getting even more splashes, but still on the light base.


The Roo
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