Splash/ Blue Silkie Thread

Brody's Broodello :

Hey Bob!
Sadly no I'll be done after Ohio. Last weekend Crossroads, Maryland this weekend then off to Ohio next. So this egg will be cooked! But will have to arrange a visit next time we get down there! I hear your "raising" some Grey Goose down there. lol

Bummer....all settled in down here now...will hit the ckt hard in the spring to make up for the lack of showing this year...wish i could raise my own goose, be a lot easier on the wallet!​
I love splash! I think it's the prettiest color.

One of my cuties


One of other favorites

Thanks, congrats on your wins as well! Yep we'll be in Ohio.

Monday morning I walked into the living room, Brody had taken a box & cut holes into it, making it into a house for his new Buff cockerel, named Buffy of course. Thanks again, & will catch up with you in Ohio!
Here is a splash cockerel I hatched from an egg swap earlier this year. He just started crowing, however old that makes him. I think he came from city slickers. His wings are down and his mouth is open because he was hot that day.

it should be a bump on their heads. if their heads are like any other chicks then they arent vaulted. if you have seen polish chicks they look like them

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