Splash/ Blue Silkie Thread

does anyone have a blue roo that they dont want any more I don't need SQ, but I would like a good quality, not hatchery quality as I've heard they aren't as pretty
I have two who are breeder quality with no leakage very big dark eyes and a darker blue well i think the best one is a medium blue....there are 3 of them who all live together so needless to say they do not have very big crests at the moment as they scrap somewhat and the first thing they pull at is their crest feathering....they are just 1 yr this month...free...email me and if you would like a girl i might have one to spare to go with him for a nominal price...
which do you think will give me more colorful chicks

blue roo over blue,black,splash hens


splash roo over blue,black,splash hens
Here is the Andalusion Blue code, print it out:

Splash x Splash = 100% Splash

Blue x Blue = 50% blue, 25% black, and 25% Splash

Blue x Splash = 50% blue and 50% Splash

Splash x Black = 100% Blue

Blue x Black = 50% blue and 50% black

Black x Black = 100% Black
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I vote for splash!

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