Splash/ Blue Silkie Thread

I would call Mohawk a splash.
Spotty is unique! He's going to make a very pretty pet :)

Here's a pic I took yesterday of one of my chicks
Very pretty splash....and photogenic too! No name yet?
Here are some updates on my other Blue/Splash chicks. By the way, does anyone realize how crazy silkies get over watermelon? All but one of my Silkies goes crazy for it...like kids on Red Dye 40! Only Misty-Blue prefers figs! I almost hate to give them juicy fruits because their crests get so sticky and dirty.
Cleo (3 mos old)

Misty Blue & BB (4 mos old)

Here's the Blue/Black pen (including a white and black EE that sneak into the Silkie pen for treats)
Fabulous birds! Love that shot of Cleo especially, totally drool-worthy

I think the picture of mine might be Foofa, not 100% sure. I have 3 who look too much alike right now to tell them apart easily.
(We watch a lot of Nick Jr at my house)
Fabulous birds! Love that shot of Cleo especially, totally drool-worthy

I think the picture of mine might be Foofa, not 100% sure. I have 3 who look too much alike right now to tell them apart easily.
(We watch a lot of Nick Jr at my house)
That's funny-although I don't know who Foofa is!
You must have little ones at home. Foo-Foo would make a great name for a lot of our fluffy silkies. BTW-I don't let anyone name my chicks because I like to come up with something fitting. My son said I'm not very original, though.
Thank you. Cleo was named because of her/his black splashes around the eyes...like eyeliner. And also reminds me of the colors from my white, silver-chinchilla persian cat I had as a kid. That's interesting that you like the look of Cleo. The breeder who I got the eggs from said Cleo/Cleon has the 'IT' factor even at a young age. Cleo is my smallest silkie and such a sweety. I'm thinking maybe a rooster, but he/she's a keeper either way. I just love my babies.

BB layed her first egg at 25 weeks old. We were shocked because she had "crowed" a few times the week before!
Maybe her hormones were raging and since nobody else was crowing, she thought she'd better take the lead. BB even did the egg squate a few times, but we thought "he" had just been startled. Since BB started laying eggs, both splash cockerels have begun to crow. Cleo and Mr. Puff are still pretty juvenile and haven't tried to breed (that we've seen anyway). Can't wait to get more cute little blue and splash babies!
I'm new to the bearded Silkie world. I have 5 blues @ 5 months old (only 2 pullets) I'm on my way tonight to pick up two Splashes.
Pam Pittman

No pics of the boys

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