Splash Orpingtons

Splash x Splash = Splash, however, the best splashes come from Blue x Blue breeding as well as Splash x Blue.

Breeding splash x splash anywhere beyond one generation and you'll dilute it, making just an off-white type bird. You gotta keep some blues in there to keep a good, well balanced splash.
I has a question. I'm new to this as well... How do you get splash? I seem to be lost in all this. I have lavender and black and blue. How do I get splash out of them???
I know this thread has been down for a while but I just gained a bunch of lavender/splash orpington chicks that will be hatching soon. I saw the chart for the black/blue/splash results. How would lavender carry over? Would it be similar to the blue results?
No, you breed lav to lav and get lav. If you mix the lavender and splash, you'll end up with lav splits that will physically look blue/black/splash. Breeding the splits together could produce lavs, or a bunch of other crazy colors depending on what else your b/b/s are hiding. I hope that makes sense
The blue andalusian gene breeds like this:

Black X Black = 100 % black

Black X Blue = 50 % black, 50% blue

Black X Splash = 100% blue

Blue X Splash = 50% blue, 50% splash

Splash X Splash = 100% splash

Blue X Blue = 50% black, 25% splash, 25% blue

Edited to fix third line. Sorry 'bout that.

Hi all!

I know this is an very old thread, but I have a quick question. I have recently acquired a Splash Marans who is the prettiest and most gentle creature I have ever known. She lays a terrific dark brown speckled egg (not too large, but beautiful!) and I would love to get her a splash to breed to. My problem? I can't find a Splash Marans locally, but I have found young Splash Oprington roo. Would Splash x Splash still give 100% Splash even with a cross?

You should still get splash but any hens they produce will probably lay lighter eggs. I would put a call out on the buy/sell/trade. People are always looking for good homes for their roosters.

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