Splayed Legged Chicks


I brought home the chicks 4days ago and was told they were about 1week old. So they're maybe 1 1/2 - 2 weeks old.
Iwent to five different places and could not find The Poly-Vi-Sol drops without iron. One of the pharmacy ordered me some for tomorrow. This afternoon when we took the chicks outside for a little while I noticed some droppings in the box that were about a half inch long and brown-ish green. I separated the two splayed laying chicks from the others but I see that odd looking poop in both boxes now.
I'm sorry you couldn't find those vitamins. I see them at grocery stores here in Washington all the time. I don't use them but a lot of people do. I was miss spelling the ones I use. I believe they are called Merricks they are probiotics and vitamins, found at feed stores. Did you get their legs into position? I'm rooting for you! As far as the poo goes, did they eat the grass? Grass turns poop greenish. Or did they eat anything new?
I prefer the chicken vitamins that feed stores sell such as Rooster Booster Vitamins With Lactobacillus, Durvet Poultry Vitamins, SaveAChick, and other brands that you add to their water. The BComplex vitamins are the most important for leg issues. Wishing you good luck.

This chick is 5 weeks old. My friend brought it to me. They tried treating for splay leg three times. Is there any hope? Anyone ever kept a chicken like this?
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This chick is 5 weeks old. My friend brought it to me. They tried treating for splay leg three times. Is there any hope? Anyone ever kept a chicken like this?

The main thing is to figure out if it is really splay leg, and not a slipped tendon which is hardly ever fixable. It's always worth trying.

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