Sporadic Travel - can I leave them in coop a few days


Jan 26, 2017
Tulsa, Oklahoma

I am a noob and have some noob questions. The better half and I have pondered the idea of raising some backyard chickens for eggs/pets and I have run into a potential deal breaker.

I travel sporadically as does the better half and we often get little notice or lead time. Also, during the summer we spend many weekends at the lake away from home. I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma in a fairly urban neighborhood, but we do see some animals around from time to time.

I have been looking at this coop for 4-6 hens:


Question #1: Can I leave the coop door open at night periodically for a few days and just let them go between the coop/run on their own? If I was going to be gone longer than a few days I could get someone to check on them, but probably only once. I am never gone more than 7-8 days.

Question #2: Can I leave them 4-6 birds locked in a coop this size for a few days? I would wager if I had a big feeder/water-dispenser would they be ok? Again, if it was going to be more than 2-3 days I would have someone check on them?

The bottom line is that I won't be able to open/close the coop door every single day and I won't be able to make arrangements for a chicken-sitter every time I am out of town a day or two. It is important to me to make sure that I am taking good care of the birds and treating them humanely.

On a lake weekend we typically leave Friday afternoon and return Sunday. But we go on a "family vacation" once per summer and leave for a week and I am often gone around Christmas for 3-4 days.

Any input would be helpful.

Thank you;

Heartily second the advice not to go with a pre fab coop like that. I would put maybe 3 birds in there.

Look for a shed. You'll be much happier, your birds will be happier, things will be nicer all around.

Since the travel is going to be a regular thing, I'd say make friends with some 4-H or FFA kids. Get to know a few of them, pay them to come check on your birds every day or so while you are gone. Peace of mind is well worth the few bucks you're going to spend.
I'm in year 2 of the great chicken keeping adventure and I travel a lot as well. It is totally doable but you have to plan your setup carefully.

100% agree with everyone on the prefab coops. They're too small, poorly designed, and aren't really all that predator proof. Get on Craigslist and look for used coops or a used shed. If you're handy you can modify it yourself, if not you can hire a handyman to make the modifications you need for a reasonable fee. Use the often quoted guidelines for space-3 to 4 sq ft per bird in the coop and 10 sq ft per bird in the run. I'd say this is the bare minimum. I'm pushing these numbers in my coop/run set up with 6 hens and I cannot imagine having more birds in there.

As far as the traveling is concerned-

1. You need an automatic coop door. Yes, they're expensive but they're worth every penny. We bought the "Chicken Guard" model. Works great. Runs on its own timer or it has a light/dark sensor. Best $200 spent on the coop. Added bonus of not having to worry about being late to let them out in the morning or rushing home to get them in before dark. Seriously. Best $200 spent.

2. Water and food supply. There are all kinds of designs for automatic waterers and feeders. For water I use a 5 gallon bucket with horizontal nipples. For food I have 2 PVC pipe feeders. I can fill up the food and water and not check it again for 4-5 days minimum. In the winter I run a stock tank de-icer into the bucket so the water doesn't freeze.

3. Alluded to above but make sure your coop/run is predator proof. Don't let the yard be the run-give them a secure run that is attached to your coop. It's totally fine to let them out in the yard, of course, but I'd think you'd want a more secure option for when you are traveling, etc.

My husband and I were in Japan for 11 days earlier this year and we had some friends come by 3 times while we were gone to collect eggs. I think they filled the food up once. We can easily leave for a 3 day weekend without giving a second thought.

Good luck!
Hey Jakedude

Besides my above boredom busting calcs
I also just wanted to respond to your comment about free ranging the girls when you are home.

I live smack bang in the middle of suburbia on a standard residential block with 5 x pampered pet bantams. I work from home.

Free range was supervised only starting at 4PM in the afternoon when I had finished work and the majority of the day on the weekends. The girls used to start asking to be let out around 3PM.

This was fine until Crystal hatched, grew up and discovered that she could make noises that would put a Peacock X Duck to shame!

Because of the noise she could and was making, I started having to let them out at 3PM so that I could concentrate on work and the neighbours did not get annoyed. Of course, because free range was now 3PM, she started demanding at 2PM .. you can see where this is going? They now get let out at 5AM in summer and free range the back yard all day.

The reason I mention this is that if you are going to free range your gals and they become used to it, those times that you are away, they may raise havoc when they think they should be out ranging.

Definitely not meant to deter you in any way, just food for thought and hopefully you do not have any chickens that could put a Peacock to shame
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Thank you all for the advice. It seems that the consensus is scrap the pre-made coop and get something with a little more size. As with any project my initial cost-estimates were quite a way South of where they needed to be.

I am currently in talks with my local handy man and am considering building something from scratch with the appropriate size and security features.

I'm looking at a 6' x 12' run with an elevated coop on one side, similar in idea to the pre-fab I discussed above but considerably larger, taller and more secure. I can do almost all of the work myself, but may have my friend assist with the carpentry aspects of the build and getting the roof properly installed. I am glad I asked questions first.

I have not yet patrolled the "coop plans" on this or any other site, but I am sure that I can find something unless anyone has any better ideas. I've also contacted a few vets and am gathering additional contingency information. Might not get into the whole thing this year as I'm going to save up a little for quality materials.

Thank you all for the advice.

I looked at the picture and it is a coop only good for about 4 chickens. Maybe a few more if bantams. ALL the manufacturers overstate their capacities. Yes, you can squeeze in even more, but your results will drive you to drinking.
If you wanted to keep some chickens, and in your circumstance of being away often, yes it can be done. Don't overdo in numbers. I suggest maybe 4 hens to begin . Enclose whole coop in a SECURE run that would be somewhat larger than your coop/run combo. A dog type enclosure with a overhead fencing would do. Provide sufficient feed and water during time away. and all should be fine.
I much appreciate the advice. Our city ordinances limit me to 6 and that would be the max amount that I would want anyway. I don't intend to eat them, just eggs and when they stop producing eggs just as pets.

So, if I got something like this:


But, put a roof on it and secured it with additional chicken fencing, ect., and put a coop inside for approximately 4 birds you think I would be ok?

When I am home I intend to let them free range in my fully 7' privacy fenced back yard. Its really just during the work day and at night that I want them locked down.

We could lock them in a pen most days, its just that week or so and a few weekends that has me worried.

Thank you;

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