Sporadic Travel - can I leave them in coop a few days


Some big news. The Coop is nearing completion and as you can see from the above, it is huge and should easily accommodate 6 birds. The better half ordered 6 Buff Orpington hens and they arrived via overnight mail unscathed. They included a 7th bird which also made the trip. We have them set-up in a brooder with heat-lamp, food and water and are keeping them on newspaper for a few days before using pine shavings so they learn what is food before being surrounded by shavings. We are keeping the temperature at approximately 95-98 degrees and thus far it would appear that we have happy birds. As the birds won't be in the coop for a few more weeks I am going to take some time in the coming days to get good feeders and watering dispensers hung in the coop and will also install some things for them to putz with like a swing and other toys to keep them happy. We are going to line the coop portion with sand and will probably do so in the run once they eat all of the grass down. I will post more photographs as things get completed, but for now am happy to report that the birds made the trip and appear to be happy and healthy.
That is indeed great news! I'm sure you'll enjoy your birds. The only downside is the fresh eggs will spoil you for going out to breakfast anywhere and ordering eggs. If you're like me, you'll look down at those and think "those are NOT eggs!"
That is indeed great news! I'm sure you'll enjoy your birds. The only downside is the fresh eggs will spoil you for going out to breakfast anywhere and ordering eggs. If you're like me, you'll look down at those and think "those are NOT eggs!"

So true, I travel a lot and can't hardly eat the breakfast being served.

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