Spring has sprung

Robins! We have robins!

Our crocuses started flowering last week, and my hyacinths and tulips are starting to come up in the sunny part of the front flower bed.

Could of fooled me. It is 43 at the moment and snow on the ground from the other day. Last few days it has been in the low single digits at night.
Stop it just stop it
we are still under 1 1/2 foot of snow
although it was a nice warm day of 13 F (i did the math for you
) or you know -11 right now as i am typing this. (this does not include WIND Chill) AND we are getting up to 34°F tomorrow
soo warm so very very warm
Yeah, everything is either blossoming or leafing out around here too.

But it's only the last day of February. I think it's a near certainty we've got at least one more frost coming.
We still have snow on the ground / garden and last nights Thunderstorms didnt even melt it all away! I have a small green house going indoors with all my starts for the garden. I cant wait to break out the brand new tiller and get to work!
It's here too. More flowers are appearing and the grass is turning green again. We don't have a real Spring but we see the signs of the rainy season coming. Temperatures reached 35C today. That's about 95F. I was forced to put more ice than usual in the evening beer. It's time to get a gardener lined up for the mowing and pruning during the next six months.

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