Spring has sprung

Just finished shoveling whatever fell today.

Here's today at my coop (I'm running out of places to put the snow).


Just remember today, Steve, when it's 105 down there in June. I'll be sweating up here in the 70s and complaining about how HOT it is
lucky! we've still got about 2 feet of snow on the ground and no green grass in sight! there was a thaw last week and it seemed like winter was over, then it snowed again. that's new england for ya
So I had to take the camera out... the sun is shining! This is the building I moved the turkeys to after the other one collapsed. There isn't a hill there... And you can see the tops of the 5' corral panels. I told DH to not worry about blowing a path, wind will just fill it in again and the stuff is extremely packed so I just walk over it. If you look close, you can see the door knob just above the snow line. And yes, Steve, spring will be here in June or July... Maybe April if we are lucky?

Here too. *double sigh*

Thanks for sharing the pictures Steve, they are delightful!

(Frosty, sorry, but yours are less than delightful.
At least I can guarantee that those of us that still have snow will appreciate spring flowers more!
Where I'm at, Midwest, the Daffodils are just now poking up---not blooming yet. When I lived in Wisconsin a while back there was only three seasons------June, July, & Winter.

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