"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Good morning, everyone! It's Good Friday (every Friday is good)!!!

It's only day 2, but I'm ready for some eggs to hatch!!
This morning is day 6.5 for the 24 EE/OE eggs and 12 royal palm turkey eggs I set so I went ahead and candled to see what's going on. The EE eggs were shipped and arrived with nearly destroyed air cells again (most roll freely around the egg) but at least 11 of them are currently developing. That's exactly how many started to develop out of the last 24 I was shipped and only 2 were able to hatch, so I guess we'll just have to see how it goes. BUT 11 of my 12 turkey eggs are developing! This is my first time incubating turkey eggs and my first time incubating eggs that were laid on my property and not ordered online, so I'm super excited to get some poults!

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