"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Well i too thought i heard peeping at work today! Oh wait...I did!!! Post office called and I ran to pick up my babies that arrived from TN. I was afraid they were too cold as here in Texas last night and this morning it was in the 40s and 50s. I brought them to the hospital (i am a nurse)gave them water and stowed them away in the bosses office who happened to be off today
and I made them a heat pack with a biohazard bag and hot solidifier. They drank and got quiet. Ate really good when I got home. 1 didnt survive the trip a tiny splash isbar. Another splash doesnt look to good. I have her in a brood box by herself her wing is droopy and she is having a hard time standing. Not sure if she is just weak or if she might have a broken leg or wing.

I am so grateful the PO called and were able to provide life support for them. It was 85 when they left TN. I laid awake last night thinking about those little girls. Hoping the injured one recovers well.
I use 60 watt  x 2      just whatever you use remember to not go over the ratings for the light fixture and keep this in mind installing fan!!!  you may want the light bulbs first!  GREAT JOB!!! love it!!

Okay thanks!!
Jace babies????

Yep!! As of last night, Jace had 2 chicks under her and she loves them. :weee
Snuck one out for a quick pic, and one of the proud momma:


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