"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Thanks! I'm about to go check and see if there is any more.
You could always add an MHP. (mama heating pad) or homemade pad heat plate instead of a lamp so it's still as natural as mamaI don't think so
I would if I thought they needed it but they are doing fine , they run around the big nest and cuddle up instead of getting under the hen
The last hatch I had it at 100 degrees everything I read told me to bring it down to 99.5 so I did that for this set and now it's happening again do I bring it down to 99 next set????????????

I had that problem and bought a $8 temp/humidity gauge and found it was high by a solid degree. I adjusted for that Easter batch and had the best hatch in 3 years. 39/47 that made it to lockdown hatched.
Blooie, sorry if I missed another post about your baby you saved..how is it doing? Out of the woods?
She's great, thanks! She went back out with the other chicks that same night, and now aside from her wonky wings there's no way to tell her from the other 2 White Orpingtons!

Morning folks. Will be updating the HAL list so let me know any updates you might have.
Let's see. I pulled
2 Bantam Clears
1 Silkie Clear
1 Nankin Clear

Which leaves me with:
3 Australorps (2 questionable, 1 good development)
1 EE
1 Naked Neck
1 Leghorn
1 Cochin
Of those, the only strong air cell are in the EE and 1 Australorp, so we'll see. We're on day 12

thank you to everyone that has sent me messages

I am feeling great today! Missed you all!

I'm glad you're doing better. I didn't send you any messages. I'm a baaaaad girl.
She's great, thanks! She went back out with the other chicks that same night, and now aside from her wonky wings there's no way to tell her from the other 2 White Orpingtons!

Let's see. I pulled
2 Bantam Clears
1 Silkie Clear
1 Nankin Clear

Which leaves me with:
3 Australorps (2 questionable, 1 good development)
1 EE
1 Naked Neck
1 Leghorn
1 Cochin
Of those, the only strong air cell are in the EE and 1 Australorp, so we'll see. We're on day 12

I'm glad you're doing better. I didn't send you any messages. I'm a baaaaad girl.
Thanks for the update.

its ok, I have not answered any of them. I am lucky to just read all my tags, oh wait..... I didnt do that yet LOL!!!

So your saying I have time to add to the tag amount?
What a pretty mama! Sounds like she is going to have a lot of babies, I hope they all fit! I have heard of putting a lamp in near mama so she doesn't have to keep them all under her.

Not a heat lamp!!! Please. Go get a simple heat pad from Walmart and attach to the side of the nest area. That way if mamma can't cover all they can snuggle near her and the heat pad. Put on low and place a thin cloth over it or the cloth cover it comes with.
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well once she finishes hatching as she did it in the coop we are moving her to the insulated coop then we could add a heat lamp if needed. The day olds are out exploring already. then snuggling up next to here only time they are getting under is to sleep, but the nest box is also buried in between hay bales. Funny thing is all the hens contributed to the number of eggs she is hatching and she kinda looks funny at the leghorns chicks, so we are keeping an eye on that.

Should not type before coffee lol
Do not separate her from the flock or put a heat lamp up. She will keep the chicks warm, that's her job. And isolating her will just make reintroduction that much harder.
well once she finishes hatching as she did it in the coop we are moving her to the insulated coop then we could add a heat lamp if needed. The day olds are out exploring already. then snuggling up next to here only time they are getting under is to sleep,  but the nest box is also buried in between hay bales. Funny thing is all the hens contributed to the number of eggs she is hatching and she kinda looks funny at the leghorns chicks, so we are keeping an eye on that.

Should not type before coffee lol
NO HEAT LAMP!!! I lost my whole hatch from Valentine's Day due to a stray feather that caught fire... Lost my whole coop.

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