"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Could be. Just watch carefully. I had one. The chicks pipped at both ends but didn't end up making it. Not to sound like a downer but most doubles don't. Once in a great while they will. In mine one chick was more developed than the other. Good luck and have fun...
Quote: Sorry about your chicks.

I have officially had my worst night mare come to life

I set 24 cream legbar eggs in my incubator 3 weeks ago
2 were infertile which is fine.
One died in the egg around the middle of th incubation.
Everything else hatched which is great...........
But 14 are roosters!

So only 8 hens
I am happy and sort of angry that
There is so many roosters...
Other than the sexes it was a good hatch.

ANNNNNNNND my roll has disappeared...would paper towels work instead of the rubber no slip pad?
I wouldn't use something that "solid" over the water wells, could give you humidity problems. I would also imagine the paper towels would start getting rather wet quickly.

So, what happens if I am so addicted to reading the posts on this hatch-a-long, and to watching my baby chicks hatch and grow, that I can't get any of my other work done? I keep sitting down to do it, and I can't stop thinking about chickens!

@weegarden My April hatch update:
Apr. 3 10 out of 11 hatched 6 white silkies and 4 Plymouth rock
Apr. 13-15, in my classroom 8 out of 11 hatched. So, we have 2 white silkies and 6 Plymouth rock X any other rooster winner.
April 24-25 Out of 15 eggs, hatched out 7 Plymouth rocks and one blue silkie.
Set 55 eggs, that are due to hatch on May 2nd, but will have plenty of infertile, due to one rooster who is not doing his job. (Yep, I pitched a ton of these. I have 18 left.) Should hatch on May 3rd.

Exchanged the infertile black ameraucana rooster on Apr. 23rd, so I’m excited to be getting some chicks from my very nice black ameraucanas. The breeder was super nice about this, and I got to visit his beautiful farm again! Gorgeous!!!!

I found out that my Easter Egger rooster, in another pen, is also not fertilizing. He is old, and produced plenty of beautiful chicks, so it might be time to put him out to pasture. He was hatched when my daughter was in my first-grade class, and we have had him ever since. He was the reason we built our first chicken coop, and got the bug bad. J His name is Cock-a-doo-doo.

Found out that the rooster my students named Mikey, is a girl! The first-graders had a great laugh over that!

April Total Count: 26 chicks. 17 Plymouth Rock and 8 white silkies, and 1 blue silkie.

Ready for the May Hatch-a-long to begin! Hoping for some better numbers this month. :) I really want some more silkie babies badly! Praying for at least 1 baby from my beautiful show girl Princess, who layed her first egg in a very long time, and it is fertile!!!!! Yippee!!!!
26 Chicks in April isn't too bad. Looking forward to seeing you in the May Hatch A Long.

Had 1 guinea hatch at 4:00 this morning will update with pictures.

Got home from work yesterday and another Ancona egg had a pip. Wrong end of the egg but here's hoping it hatches

first baby Muscovy ever this morning
Great News!
Need help!
I have a chick that pipped at the wrong end yesterday. It looks like it started to zip but stopped I took it out to check and it still has blood vessels BUT I swear I can hear two different peeps in there. I dont know what to do . The egg is dark so I am not sure if they were double yolk or not. If they are twins how can I help them?
Do you people never SLEEP???? I wasn't on much last night - not feeling too well - and when I signed on this morning there were 148 new posts! WOW!! So I skipped to the end, and that's that! Now I'm exhausted and must take a nap.......
Enjoy your nap, I hope you feel better soon.

we now have two baby muscovys

I hear an occasional peep from my incubator... Tomorrow is hatch day babies don't delay
Good Luck!

I have 11 chicks in the brooder, and 2 in sick bay. The chick with exposed yold probably won'tsurvive, but the other is gaining strength, eating, drinking, and pooping... so I should end up with an even dozen.

Right after going into brooder...

Fluffed and peeking around...

Getting braver and checking out cell phone...

Semi-group shot...

I'll try to get better pics this afternoon....
Nice! I hope the sick bay chicks pull through.

Day 19. One out, 6 pipped.
Great news!

I've hatched a lot of chicks out lately. I have one last hatch in the incubator.

That's a nice setup Good luck with your hatch.
Ok I have some good news and bad news. All eggs have pipped but one, but two of them have pipped in the wrong spots! I'm so lost right now as to what to do. And on top of that one of the EEs looks like it's trying to zip but is not making any progress. I have never had this happen before, let alone dealt with any of these problems, all of my previous hatches have been a piece of cake! I really really really need some help. :oops:
Ok I have some good news and bad news. All eggs have pipped but one, but two of them have pipped in the wrong spots! I'm so lost right now as to what to do. And on top of that one of the EEs looks like it's trying to zip but is not making any progress. I have never had this happen before, let alone dealt with any of these problems, all of my previous hatches have been a piece of cake! I really really really need some help.
Wrong end pips can still hatch and be perfectly healthy. No reason to worry. They can take longer to hatch, so just be patient.
Before you even think of doing anything, please read this. Read the whole thing, then decide if helping is worth the risk.

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