"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally


Here is a basket o boys, all different colors of cockerels for cream legbar. There are more down patterns, but these are just a good example of the variety they can come in. These are from my flock.
l really like that dark black color. I had 2 hens one was dark and the other is rusty color. My dark one in my profile pic I was my favorite and sweet as sugar but of course that is the one the dog got.
Suppose now that this HAL is over I should post some blurry photos of my 4 successes.

Yokel, first egg ever hatched here...Olive Egger named after the guy who gifted me the eggs he'd won, our own @LocalYokel

Sweet Pea...egg was marked Cream Legbar but someone said they don't think that's what it is. We'll find out, I guess. Second egg from those @LocalYokel gave me.

And this is Sluf, a Naked Neck hatched Friday from an egg marked Australorp! He's now almost 2 days old.

She doesn't have a name yet. We just call her "Little Stinker" but that's until we decide on one for sure. Phoenix is in the running - since we found her dead and unresponsive in the run and revived her.

Sweet Pea, just coming out from under Mama Heating Pad, and Sluf getting ready to duck under and warm up his bald neck. The EE in the background doesn't have a name yet, either, and behind is Little Stinker. Sluf went out to live with the bigger chicks today and is doing just fine outside.
Good looking group of kids you've got there.
They're mighty cute, Chaos! Those names quack me up!!!
Thanks. Sorry to hear about the two losses.

Cute! I love the patterns on Waffles!

I have 2 pips as of now...
Toast should have the same type of pattern when dry.
Hope you get something from yours.

Thanks. Stay safe out there with all the flooding.
Quote: Congrats on the 4 ducks!

2 more under the broody! Incubator 5, broody 4!

The skunks have fluffed.. Er chickens.
40 set, 30 to term, 16 hatched. 2 eggtopsied DIS. The remainder are under lock down but not hopeful. Not bad for first incubator batch.

A few obligatory shots of my 4-5 day old Red "bricks"...

Nice Joey!

Any chance a chick hasn't pipped but would still survive if assisted? Day 22 starts in about an hour and a half and I left 8 eggs in the incubator that hadn't pipped (can't really see if there's an internal pip because shell is too dark) I swear I keep hearing a phantom CHEEP over there once in awhil but not sure if I'm crazy or what...because I see ZERO evidence of any pips...thoughts? How long would you wait to finally help??
If day 22 is just starting , I would wait.
Well, I had a disaster this weekend. My outside dog got into the chicken run and killed all of my hens. I only had 4 in the run but he got them all, just for sport apparently. He didn't eat any of them. Fortunately, my 2 Icelandic chicks are still in the brooder inside. He's a good watch dog but he may be going away. I came real close to shooting him but then decided to think about it before I let my anger do something that I would regret. If I decide to get rid of him, I'll give the rescue people a chance before I put him down.

Any advice on this is welcome. Can a chicken killing dog be rehabilitated? I really don't want to put him down but I still want to have chickens.
Well, I had a disaster this weekend. My outside dog got into the chicken run and killed all of my hens. I only had 4 in the run but he got them all, just for sport apparently. He didn't eat any of them. Fortunately, my 2 Icelandic chicks are still in the brooder inside. He's a good watch dog but he may be going away. I came real close to shooting him but then decided to think about it before I let my anger do something that I would regret. If I decide to get rid of him, I'll give the rescue people a chance before I put him down.

Any advice on this is welcome. Can a chicken killing dog be rehabilitated? I really don't want to put him down but I still want to have chickens.

I have no advice but I am sorry that that happened

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